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RUSH: Oh, this is a day for sadness or frustration or what have you. I really cannot believe this. One of the men that I idolized growing up — one of the men who I wanted to be like growing up, Hank Aaron, who’s now 80, who broke the Babe Ruth home-run record — is out there saying the Republican Party is today’s KKK. It’s just sad. It’s just so silly. I don’t know.

He was speaking to USA Today on the 40th anniversary of his then-record breaking 715th home run, and he said that it’s the Republicans who are hindering Obama’s job performance. Well, that’s just silly. Republicans haven’t made any effort to stop Obama. I mean, not seriously. Hank, the Republicans are trying to find ways to make it look like they agree with the guy on various things.

Henry Aaron said, “Sure, this country has a black president, but when you look at a black president, President Obama is left with his foot stuck in the mud from all of the Republicans with the way he’s treated. … The bigger difference is that back then they had hoods. Now they have neckties and starched shirts.”

He didn’t even originate that. I don’t know who did. (interruption) Was Rangel the first? Was he the first guy that said that? (interruption) Well, you’re right, Rangel did say that years ago. “Well, they used to wear hoods, but now they wear stand for shirts and red ties.” Henry Aaron! Good grief, I liked Henry Aaron so much, I even didn’t mind when he went on the Dinah Shore Show.

He had breakfast with his wife, scrambled eggs and bacon. They actually ate back in those days, when it wasn’t a big deal to eat on TV. Dinah Shore was saying, “What do you do? You play baseball?” I’m just kidding. She knew what he did. So Henry Aaron is comparing the Republican Party to the militant wing of the Democrat Party. The KKK was a bunch of Democrats. But that’s not even the point. The point is that it’s just silly.

It’s disappointing, is what it is.

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