Joycelyn Elders is Back!

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 13,2014

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RUSH: Joycelyn Elders. Oh, my Lord, Joycelyn Elders. Where has she been? She is back. You remember Joycelyn Elders? She wanted masturbation taught in grade school. Was it kindergarten, too? I think it was. She was into masturbation. There was nothing wrong with love, even with yourself. But what else was she famous for? (interruption) Yeah, we’re all gonna die. She loved Eric “Clapner,” who was, of course, the famous guitar musician.

She loved Eric “Clapner.” But she had a couple of others. Anyway, she’s out there. To show you how just absurd things are, that woman, Joycelyn Elders is leading an “independent commission.” She’s a former surgeon general! (laughing) Clinton did it. She’s leading an independent commission which “has concluded there ‘is no compelling medical reason’ for the US Armed Forces to prohibit transgender Americans from serving and that President Barack Obama could lift the decades-old ban without approval from Congress…”

Of course he can!

So the trannies can now get in the military along with everybody else — and, of course, what could go wrong? There “is no compelling medical reason” not to do this, “according to a report being released Thursday. The report said Department of Defense regulations designed to keep transgender people from joining or remaining in the military on the grounds of psychological and physical unfitness are based on outdated beliefs,” i.e., bigotry and hatred and fear, “that require thousands of current service members either to leave the service or to forego the medical procedures and other changes that could align their bodies and gender identities.”

Let me read this to you again. Where do I start this sentence ’cause the whole paragraph…? (muttering) Well, “Department of Defense regulations designed to keep transgender people from joining or remaining in the military on the grounds of psychological and physical unfitness are based on outdated beliefs that require thousands of current service members either to leave the service,” because they’re being discriminated against, “or to forego the medical procedures and other changes that could align their bodies and gender identities.”

It’s “outdated” to think people in those conditions are not fit to serve in the military. Now, do you know what it means to “align” your body with your “gender identity”? (interruption) Well, yeah. If you’re a woman but you “identify” as a man. You’re a woman, but you’re running around, think you’re a woman and you need an addadictomy. Needing an addadictomy procedure somehow disqualifies you from the US military. And that, said Joycelyn Elders, is not right. We just can’t do it anymore. There’s no reason why somebody needs an addadictomy can’t join the Army.


RUSH: I think my all-time favorite Joycelyn Elders quote was from January 1994. You may have forgotten this, folks, but here’s what she said. This is January 1994, Joycelyn Elders: “We really need to get over this love affair with the fetus and start worrying about children.” This woman was so… Well, I gotta be very careful. She was so weird that even Bill Clinton had to fire her in December of 1994.

I mean, to be fired by Clinton, you have to be way, way out there.


RUSH: Jim in — you gotta love this — Moonshine Creek, North Carolina.

CALLER: Hey, Rush, mega dittos.

RUSH: Yeah, man, thank you for the call. Where is Moonshine Creek, North Carolina?

CALLER: Moonshine Creek is in the mountains in western North Carolina, and it really is beautiful up there.

RUSH: I’ll bet. Yeah.

CALLER: In the Balsams. So the reason I called was I heard your comments about the transgender. When I worked for the government it was very clear, and it was made clear, that there are two ways to avoid fight-or-flight. When you’re challenged or when you are in a dangerous situation, the human response is fight-or-flight. And one is through training, extensive, you know, at the academy, and the second is testosterone. So there is a critical need for testosterone.

RUSH: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait just a second. I’m learning something here.


RUSH: Are you talking about in training when you’re challenged, when you’re in a dangerous situation, the human response is fight-or-flight, and they measure testosterone in that circumstance, in that test?

CALLER: No, they didn’t, but they said that the two ways to ensure fighting is the human reaction fight-or-flight, and the first way is through extensive training, which is what you received as a pilot or at the academy.

RUSH: Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah.

CALLER: And the second is testosterone, that hormone that basically, back in the day, differentiated between a nurturer and a hunter-gatherer, so —

RUSH: Important to say “back in the day.”


RUSH: Very clever. Very, very clever. So back in the day, testosterone meant exactly what you said, but now it’s just testosterone is bad unless it’s in women.

CALLER: Right. And so when you see what a lot of the social people would say is the macho man, the Marines, the Special Forces, there’s a reason. They pass and they do very well on the testing to allow them to enter these Special Forces and Special Ops. And one of the reasons why is because their response in a fight-or-flight situation is excellent, and part of that, depending who you talk to psychologically, a large part of that can or is directed to how much testosterone you have.

RUSH: Well, see, that’s all we need to know, because a person, other than injections, cannot control how much testosterone they have naturally. Women are discriminated against by not having as much as men, and therefore we have to make allowances and adjustments.

CALLER: That’s correct. And I don’t want to make that allowance when you’re talking about the national security of the United States.

RUSH: Well, we’re not.

CALLER: We’re gonna have social experiments.

RUSH: That’s not what the military is about anymore. The military is a social laboratory for experimentation when it’s run by people like Obama. It’s not about national defense.

CALLER: Well, God bless you, Rush. You do a great job, and I love listening to your show, and I wish that it was mandatory listening for an American to become a citizen.

RUSH: I do, too. I couldn’t agree with you more. Not the mandatory part, but — well, yeah, I could even agree with that. That’s great. I really appreciate it. That’s a nice compliment, Jim, and I appreciate it.

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