Caller on the Horns of a Dilemma Feb 26, 2014RUSH: This is Georgia in Canton, Connecticut. Rush Limbaugh, back to the phones. Hello, George....
Rubio Destroys Harkin on Cuba Feb 26, 2014RUSH: I’m kind of torn here ’cause I’ve really got some interesting callers on and I’ve gotta do...
Democrats Use Racism as a Tool Feb 26, 2014RUSH: Here’s Patty in Longview, Texas. Patty, I’m glad you called. Great to have you on the...
Trio of Siblings Love Rush Revere Feb 26, 2014RUSH: Here’s Anderson in Jacksonville. Oh, we have another child, ladies and gentlemen! We have...
Why Apple Can Blackmail Arizona Feb 26, 2014RUSH: Jim in Gilbert, Arizona. Great to have you. I’m glad you waited, sir. Welcome to the Rush...
The NFL N-Word Saga Continues Feb 26, 2014RUSH: Now to the National Football League and the N-word. We left off in this saga yesterday with...
Democrat Candidate: Without Amnesty, We’ll Have No Maids and Landscapers Feb 26, 2014RUSH: We have one more audio sound bite before we get back to the phones. This is yesterday in...
Howie Kurtz on Hillary’s Age and Your Host Feb 26, 2014RUSH: I want to get this out of the way. I mentioned that I was also used as a bouncing-off point...
Hilarious! Media Makes Me the Villain for Pointing Out the Bullying of Jan Brewer Feb 26, 2014RUSH: This is unbelievably hilarious, and I had no idea it happened. I had literally no idea. I...