The Democrat Party Owns Single Women Jan 27, 2014RUSH: Angela, Montclair, Virginia, hi. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Thank you, Rush,...
Businesses Fail When They Do What’s Politically Correct Instead of What Customers Want Jan 27, 2014RUSH: Hi. How are you? Welcome back. Great to have you. It’s the EIB Network and Rush Limbaugh....
The Liberals Hate Football Jan 27, 2014RUSH: This offends me. The New York Times over the weekend: “Is It Immoral to Watch the...
Scott Walker’s Unnoticed Revolution Jan 27, 2014RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, for three days last week I told you the amazing story of Scott Walker,...
Kids Say Thanks for Rush Revere Jan 27, 2014RUSH: Here is Nathan in Seattle, as we go back to the phones. Hi, Nathan. Thank you for waiting,...
The Drive-By Media Thinks Obama Has Accepted Reality: I’m His Problem Jan 27, 2014RUSH: To the audio sound bites. As you recall, it was revealed in the New Yorker magazine that the...
Let’s Make the White House Correspondents Dinner an Awards Show Jan 27, 2014RUSH: Did you watch the Grammys last night? Snerdley, you missed it. Folks, I gotta tell you...
My Advice to the Dictator for His State of the Coup Address on Income Inequality Jan 27, 2014RUSH: So I get the audio sound bite roster today from Cookie. I actually get an e-mail before I...