Combating the War on Women

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 6,2013

RUSH: Here’s Denise in Charlotte, North Carolina, as we head to the phones. It’s great to have you, Denise. Thanks for waiting.

CALLER: Well, thank you, and congratulations on your book.

RUSH: Thank you. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. I really do.

CALLER: Well, getting back to the election in Virginia. I know we’ve analyzed and there’s a lot of different reasons why Cuccinelli lost, but I think the primary reason that really needs to be taken seriously is that he lost because of the War on Women. The women’s issues hit him hard. It was the same reason that Romney lost to Obama. In close elections, this issue, this strategy from the left is killing us. And the Republican Party is doing nothing to fight back and counter it, and I’m telling you, in 2016, we are going to get beat up with this. And the other thing is is that while Obamacare can be an advantage for us, the left is going to tie and fuse Obamacare and the women’s issues together so that it will weaken the advantage we have to fight against Obamacare.

RUSH: What would you do? What would you do out there to counter the War on Women meme?

CALLER: Number one, I would use all that money that the Republican Party is not spending on qualified candidates to have a ad campaign that counteracts the propaganda on the left. When they say we are against women, we put out that they’re against women. You know, fight fire with fire and show that they are actually undermining women.

RUSH: I agree with that.

CALLER: We don’t do that.

RUSH: I think that’s exactly right, but the Republican Party isn’t doing that on any issue. It’s not just women. Look at what they’re doing. They destroyed the black family. They’re destroying minorities families. Look at what they’re doing to women with their policies. I mean, they’re demeaning them. They’re turning ’em into nothing but abortion machines. I mean, there’s so much that we could be doing if we just fight back, but the Republican Party, even if they had all the money in the world right now, doesn’t seem inclined to do any of this.

RUSH: Our last caller had a point. If you look some of the exit polling data, McAuliffe beat Cuccinelli by nine points with women. He was up 24, though. The gap was shrinking — and it was shrinking rapidly — as they got near the election. On abortion, the voters that care about that as their number one issue, The Punk was ahead by 20% on that. But on the economy and on Obamacare, Cuccinelli cleaned up. So the caller has a point.

This War on Women thing? Can I take you back to how this started? I know some of you are new to the program. You may have joined us since, say, the Republican primaries, which is when this started. I’m gonna tell you exactly how this whole thing started. It was a strategized event between the Democrat Party and George Stephanopoulos, who happened to be moderating a Republican primary debate.

It was January of 2008, I believe. Yeah, yeah, just right at the very beginning of the year. Stephanopoulos was moderating as the ABC Good Morning America anchor and a couple of other people, and in the middle of the debate he started asking Romney about contraception. It came out of the blue and Romney didn’t know what to do with it. He said, “No, I favor contraception. What are you talking about George?”

“I just want to know. Do you think it’s states should have the ability to provide contraception or not provide contraception, whatever?” Romney was just totally flummoxed. He had no idea why Stephanopoulos would ask this, and neither did any other Republican. What the hell is this all about? Romney said, “George, nobody’s talking about this. This is not an issue.”

Stephanopoulos just kept at it, and finally Romney answered and said, “No,” and that’s how it began. It became this Republican War on Women, and it expanded, got into Obamacare, and the Republicans were accused of wanting to deny women abortions. It was the same old thing, and it blew up. It was totally made up, was totally manufactured. But I think our previous caller is exactly right.

The way you fight back on this stuff is to run TV ads and have your candidates go on offense about the whole allegation and turn it around on ’em. Start leveling accusations at them instead of trying to cover it up or paper it over or hide it as though it’s true and ignore it, hoping it’ll go away. You can’t do that ’cause they keep pounding on it, and it’s true of any issue. Go on offense, be aggressive about it, and start accusing these people of what they are doing.

Start accusing the Democrats of being who they are. They’re not liberals or “progressives.” These people are collectivists. They are far worse than just standard, ordinary Democrat liberals. They are genuine bigots. They are racists. They deny free speech under their code of political correctness and so forth. There’s nothing compassionate about them. There’s nothing open-minded about them. This stuff is never said.

The Republicans, in truth, tend to think that they’ve gotta try to temper that criticism that the Democrats level. They’ve gotta stop doing and thinking and saying what they believe, and the Democrats will stop accusing them of hating women and so forth. And of course it’s never gonna happen. And of course the Republicans are anti-Hispanic and they’re anti-women, and they’re anti-black, and they’re anti-minority, and they’re anti-this — and it’s all bogus.

None of it is true.

It’s the exact opposite.

But the way they fight it is to say, “Okay, we’ll show you we’re not anti-Hispanic and we’ll come out for amnesty, too,” and that’s never going to work. But the Republican establishment, their consultant class seems to think that’s the answer to this stuff. And it isn’t. But in this case I don’t think it was just the War on Women. You had the third-party candidate in there siphoning votes. You had the Republican establishment not participating in the race.

There are a whole lot of factors that led to this. There’s a piece at this website that we quote from now and then, Campus Reform. They found a professor somewhere, just some professor who “Says Virginia GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Cuccinelli Sees Women as Sperm Receptacles.'” So you got some professor out there that’s absolutely outrageous. It’s flat-out BS.

“A journalism professor at Virginia Commonwealth University claimed on Twitter last month that Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli (R) thinks women are ‘simple sperm recepticles (sic) and birthing machines.’ Professor Mary Ann Owens made the remark in an October 15, tweet, discovered by Campus Reform earlier today. She reiterated her views again in a tweet on October 16, ‘Just wondering Y a woman would campaign for #Cuccinelli when he wants 2 limit women 2 sperm recepticles (sic) and birthing machines.”

This is what’s said of you if you happen to be pro-life, that you’re a sperm receptacle.

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