HS Student Given the Gift of Rush 24/7

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 9,2013

RUSH: Melbourne, Florida, and, Ben, I’m glad you waited. I really am. Thanks very much. Hello.

CALLER: Yeah. I’m a high schooler and I’m going to be a sophomore this year, and ever since I heard your show in the backseat of my dad’s truck, I was hooked. I basically learned how to be a conservative from you. The only downside is that your show is from 12 ’til 3, which means I can only listen to you during the summer. So that means this is the last day I can listen to your show before school starts next Monday for me. So… (chuckles)

RUSH: Well, it may be the case that aside from vacations, sick days, or when you skip school that you can’t listen live. But you can listen to every show, every day. Do you have a computer?

CALLER: I have a laptop. But right now it’s a case where the battery has to be plugged in with the charger in order for the computer to run.

RUSH: That’s okay. But let me ask you this. Are you a member of my website, RushLimbaugh.com? Do you ever go there?

CALLER: No, I haven’t got gone there before.

RUSH: Well, here’s the thing. If you go to RushLimbaugh.com, you can sign up for our daily podcast.


RUSH: About 30 minutes after the program finishes every day, we send out from iTunes or our webpage — whatever way you want to get it — the podcast of that day’s show without the commercials. We don’t sell the commercials twice. So the podcast of the program happens. You don’t have to listen to it for three hours to get it all because there isn’t any commercial time.


RUSH: Or if you don’t want to do the podcast, you can go to the website and every day stream the program from the audio file or watch it on the Dittocam every day. You can do that at night. You can do it, and all you need is access to RushLimbaugh.com, which I will make available to you today free. I’ll give you a one-year subscription to it right now. That way whenever you have time, you can listen. “On demand,” it’s called. I’m sure you know what that is. Your television has it. You can listen to this program whenever you want, over and over again.

CALLER: Awesome. (laughs) Yeah! So I can just listen to it whenever?

RUSH: Whenever. You can have it as a podcast. I’m sure you… Do you have a smart phone?

CALLER: Yeah. I’m talking on a smart phone right now. (chuckles)

RUSH: Well, you can have the podcast delivered to your smart phone and you can listen to it on your phone or you can get it on that computer. So I’m going to put you on hold here, and a nice young man named H.R. a going to pick up and get you. We’re going to make you a complimentary subscriber. We’re going to give you a login and a password and you become a member.

CALLER: Okay, great.

RUSH: We’ll make you a one-year, comp member for the website. You go there and just play around with it and you’ll see where to get the podcast. You’ll see where to access the Dittocam or the audio stream — and we keep those a while. You can go back and look at last week’s, listen to last week’s again or any day last week or the week before. But there’s all kind of stuff. This website is just awesome.

In addition to that, we send out a free email every afternoon about an hour after the show called Rush in a Hurry, which is a summary of everything that happened including transcripts and some audio links to the program. This is an interim thing until the site is fully updated at about the end of the day. But this is free. The Rush in a Hurry is a no-brainer, and so is getting a podcast of the program every day. It is awesome. It is made to order for people who are in school or can’t get away from work from noon to 3:00.

CALLER: Okay. Yeah, awesome. That would be great.

RUSH: Cool. Don’t hang up.


RUSH: We’re going to put you on hold here and H.R. will get whatever he needs from you and will be in touch, however that happens. You’ll be given a user ID and a password essentially is what’s going to happen and we’ll comp you. This normally costs people $2,000 a year! I’m just kidding. People would pay that if we charged it. But it’s not. It’s different structures, price levels, depending on how long you want to be a member.

I’ll tell you what. I’m also going to throw in a subscription to the Limbaugh Letter, which is the monthly newsletter, which is still the largest circulation, political newsletter in the country. That will all happen with the username and ID that we’re going to give you. You access RushLimbaugh.com and all of this magic is available to you on demand whenever you have time to listen to it. Ben, thanks very much. I appreciate it.