Move Over Weiner! A Lewinsky Sex Tape for Clinton?

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 31,2013

RUSH: Get this, folks. A sex tape that Monica Lewinsky recorded for Bill Clinton at the height of their affair has leaked out, during which Lewinsky is heard planning a secret sexual rendezvous with Clinton and declaring she is too cute and adorable to be ignored.

Move over, Weiner.

There is a Clinton-Lewinsky sex tape out there.


RUSH: “A never-before-heard tape of Monica Lewinsky reportedly telling then-President Bill Clinton that she could ‘take all my clothes off’ if he agreed to an illicit meeting with her has surfaced today. The tape, which records the White House intern desperately trying to lure him into meeting her, was reportedly released to the National Enquirer after it was obtained by a cleaner hired by friends of Lewinsky. It was long thought that the raunchy four-minute tape, which was recorded in November 1997, had been destroyed after the sexual affair was revealed in 1998, according to the Enquirer.

“The recording, made months after their final alleged tryst in March 1997, reportedly shows a determined Lewinsky, then 24, pleading with the married president to meet her – and telling him she plans to be persistent because ‘I really want to see you’. She adds that she is ‘too cute and adorable’ to be ignored, according to the magazine. MailOnline has contacted a Clinton representative for comment on the latest reports. On the recording, she offers Clinton two choices – that she could meet him at his office, or that they could watch a movie together. ‘Since I know you will be alone tomorrow evening, I have two proposals for you, neither of which is you not seeing me.'”

This sounds like… Snerdley, you’ve had women who desperately want to be with you approach you that way. Yeah, sounds just like it. “I could take my clothes off and startÂ… wellÂ… I know you wouldn’t enjoy that? I hope to see you later and I hope you will follow my script and do what I want.” That’s all on the tape. Snap her fingers, get what she wants. Move over, Weiner.

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