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RUSH: Kathryn and I called the sweepstakes winners last night for the five day, four night, first class all-the-way trip to Hawaii, the latest Two If By Tea sweepstakes. The winners are Steven and Linda from Texas, and we called ’em, and we knew it was gonna go to voicemail ’cause we got the two rings real close together and then the standard, steady rings, and I said, “That’s just going to voicemail.” Normally when we get voicemail we just give ’em all the data, hang up and, you know, tease them for missing us. We said, “You know, we’re gonna call you back. We’ll call you back within a couple of hours. If your phone rings the next couple hours and you don’t recognize it, it’s us.”

So we called back and they picked up, and we talked to ’em, and it’s so much fun to do that, to actually talk to these people who are entering the contest and winning it, to hear how excited they are. It turns out they are celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary this year. They’re from Texas, and they hadn’t been to Hawaii in many, many moons, 25 or 30, so they’re looking for forward to it. That was an upper.

Oh, and, folks, we are sold out of tumblers. I knew this was gonna happen. Those things went like — these are the $12.99 Tervis tumblers, this thing right here. Sold out of ’em. They’re literally sold out. Well, the next pressure point is Father’s Day. We don’t know if we can restock in time and we’re trying, and I can’t possibly commit to this.


Foxconn does not — (laughing) These are American made! Foxconn does not make Tervis tumblers. Tervis makes them. But I knew this was gonna happen. Once they’re out there, and, believe me, tens of thousands of them are out there, sold out, and once people see ’em, at $12.99, they’re gonna want ’em. And that’s what’s happening. We just blew through the original supply. We’re trying to find a way to get restocked by Father’s Day, and I don’t know if we’re gonna be able to do it. I’ll keep you posted on it.

But I wanted to congratulate Linda and Steve again from Texas, the sweepstakes winners. There are ten other grand prize winners that we’ll be calling today to let them know as well what it is that they have won.

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