Issa Reverses, Will Recall Lerner May 22, 2013RUSH: Now, the hearings by the Issa committee are meant to get the truth of the matter, and it’s...
Don’t Get Depressed! We Have an Opportunity to Teach People About the Culture of Liberalism May 22, 2013RUSH: There’s a blog post here at the Washington Post by a guy named Ed Rogers. And his post...
Media Elites Confounded by Oklahoma May 22, 2013RUSH: Peter Baker is a reporter for the New York Times. He was on Charlie Rose last night on PBS....
Don’t Hold Your Breath for Impeachment May 22, 2013RUSH: Robert in San Diego. Thank you, sir, for the calling and for waiting. Great to have you on...
Bernanke Pumps Up Obama’s Economy May 22, 2013RUSH: Forbes magazine: “Economically, Could Obama Be America’s Best President?” This...
Obama Approval Unaffected by Reality May 22, 2013RUSH: Now, I want to move on to the latest proofs and illustrations of the Limbaugh Theorem. The...
Issa Lets Lerner Off the Hook May 22, 2013RUSH: The IRS hearings today, the Issa committee. Folks, yesterday, after the Apple tax hearings...
The New York Times: Rush Limbaugh is the Reason the Media Didn’t Cover the IRS Scandal Last Year Before the Election May 22, 2013RUSH: I may as well just say this. Anybody who thinks that I am irrelevant needs to hear this....