Obama Isn’t Just Too Big to Fail, He’s Too Big to Know May 21, 2013RUSH: We have an update here from Jay Carney, another one, on the IRS scandal.There are now, I...
Obama Wants You to Believe in Him and the Government, Not God and the Constitution May 21, 2013RUSH: My adopted hometown, Sacramento, California, and Jerry. Thanks for calling, sir. It’s great...
Schadenfreude! Libs Shocked to Find Their Fellow Libs Have Screwed Them with Obamacare May 21, 2013RUSH: Labor unions are breaking with President Obama on Obamacare, and I tell you: One of the...
Barackalypse Now? Been There, Done That May 21, 2013RUSH: Lizz Winstead was a creator of The Daily Show…. Oh, by the way! You know, I have never...
High-Tech Lynching: Senate Attempts to Crucify Apple May 21, 2013RUSH: As we speak, ladies and gentlemen, the Senate — some stupid, idiotic committee —...
The Great Unifier Didn’t Need to be Told About the IRS Targeting Conservatives May 21, 2013RUSH: The IRS commissioner, Steven Miller, has just admitted in a Senate hearing this morning,...
It Only Took Five Minutes for Democrats to Politicize the Oklahoma Tornado May 21, 2013RUSH: It took five minutes. Five minutes. It only took five minutes before the Democrat Party...