Why I Still Love This Country May 13, 2013RUSH: Here’s Jason, Lexington, Kentucky, welcome to the EIB Network. Hi.CALLER: Brilliant dittos...
What Do 90% of Americans Agree On? May 13, 2013RUSH: A verdict has been reached, we don’t know what it is yet, in the Gosnell case. And it’s...
The Problem with Modern Journalism May 13, 2013RUSH: Look, there are other things happening out there in addition to the IRS and Benghazi. We’re...
Obama Calls Benghazi a “Sideshow” and “Political Circus” May 13, 2013RUSH: Let’s go to the audio sound bites. Obama got questions about Benghazi at the press...
The 2010 Election and Citizens United Shook Democrats to the Core May 13, 2013RUSH: You know, folks, on this IRS business, I think the 2010 midterms really shocked the...
The IRS Merely Followed Through on Policies the Constitution Constrains Obama from Implementing Himself May 13, 2013RUSH: Now, folks, this IRS business. The things that we went back in our archives and found, as...
A Great Trip Back to the Ballpark in Kansas City May 13, 2013RUSH: So, I was back in Kansas City for the weekend and George Brett’s 60th birthday celebration....
My Theory on the Media and the IRS Scandal May 13, 2013RUSH: You know, I’m watching Obama’s press conference here and a reporter, after Obama and the...