The “Smartest People in the Room” Usually Aren’t May 7, 2013RUSH: Here’s John in Northern Michigan. John, hi. Great to have you on the EIB Network....
Low-Info Outreach: It’s Working May 7, 2013RUSH: John in Billings, Montana. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hi.CALLER: Thank you. I’m just...
The Gluten-Free Health Hoax May 7, 2013RUSH: Anyway, doing yesterday’s Morning Update, it was about a bunch of hoaxes and phony things...
Rush in a Hurry: A Daily Summary of What Really Happens on This Show May 7, 2013RUSH: Folks, we have something that we send out every day free of charge from our website for the...
Lauryn Hill Must Be Really, Really Old May 7, 2013RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, there’s a singer out there, a Grammy award-winning singer by the name...
The Democrat Party Needs a Permanent Underclass in Order to Stay in Power May 7, 2013RUSH: Here’s Nancy in Bergen County, New Jersey. Hi, Nance. Great to have you on the program....
The Idea That Amnesty Will Produce New Taxpayers and Wipe Out the Cost is Pathetically Wrong May 7, 2013RUSH: The Politico has gone out and found a bunch of conservatives, so-called, that are really mad...
Democrats Never Tire of Pulling Hillary’s Bacon Out of the Fire May 7, 2013RUSH: Now, about John Bolton thinking this could be the “hinge point” that would bring...
It’s Simple: What the Left Believes Explains the Regime’s Inaction on Benghazi May 7, 2013RUSH: Let’s get to Benghazi. Let’s pick up where we left off yesterday. Let’s go to the audio...