James Carville Correctly Explains the “Limbaugh-ian” View on Amnesty May 6, 2013RUSH: Carville, you gotta hear this stuff. This is on the roundtable on This Week Sunday morning...
Mo Rocca’s Dead Serious, Low-Info CBS News Report: Greedy America Stole Half of Mexico in an Unjust War May 6, 2013RUSH: Last Friday after playing audio of Obama’s speech to the students at the anthropology museum...
Obama Tells Ohio State Grads to Reject the “Voices” Warning of Government Tyranny — and Join the Collective May 6, 2013RUSH: Now, Obama was at Ohio State. He did the commencement address at the Ohio State University....
Washington vs. The Rest of America May 6, 2013RUSH: Salena Zito in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (she’s an editorial page columnist) wrote a...
What Benghazi Shows Us: Democrats Can’t Be Trusted with Life-and-Death Decisions Because They Live in Denial May 6, 2013RUSH: Minneapolis, Minnesota, area. Here is Jules. I’m glad you called. Hi.CALLER: Hi, Rush. Mega...
Liberals Will Protect Hillary at All Costs May 6, 2013RUSH: So I checked the e-mail during the top-of-the-hour break and a bunch of leftists are trying...
Benghazi Blows Up on Bob Schieffer May 6, 2013RUSH: CBSNews.com: “‘Everybody in the mission’ in Benghazi, Libya, thought the attack...
America’s Anchorman Sets the Table for Today’s Show: The Left is Shaken, Folks May 6, 2013RUSH: Do you realize how shaken the left must be in America today? Do you realize it, folks? Did...