Realville: Women Have More Workplace Flexibility Than Men May 3, 2013RUSH: Alesio in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Hi, great to have you on the program.CALLER: How you...
The Hispanic Vote Isn’t Why Romney Lost May 3, 2013Now, Byron York in the Washington Examiner: “After six months of mulling over November’s...
Capitalist Reality Versus Socialist Fantasy May 3, 2013RUSH: I want to expand on something that I said right before the top of the hour ended. Walter...
Justice Thomas is Right About the First Black President May 3, 2013RUSH: Clarence Thomas was on C-SPAN. Grab sound bite 18. This is Justice Thomas. They aired this...
Elites on the Left — and the Right — Would Be Happier If This Show Didn’t Exist May 3, 2013RUSH: Tyler in Vancouver, Washington. Great to have you, sir. Hello.CALLER: Thank you so much!...
A 15-Year-Old Rush Baby Who Understands the Founders’ View of Freedom and Equality May 3, 2013RUSH: This is Denae in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It says she’s 15 years old. Great to have you on...
Dog-Whistling Obama Campaigns in Mexico: I Apologize for America, Now Help Me Win the House in 2014! May 3, 2013RUSH: So let’s go to the audio sound bites this morning in Mexico City at the Anthropology Museum,...
Obamaville: A Nation of Part-Timers May 3, 2013RUSH: Everybody is ecstatic with the jobs numbers today. Unemployment down to seven and a half...