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RUSH: I didn’t see it, but I’m told that Obama used a portion of his remarks at the dedication of the Bush library in Dallas today to push his immigration bill. And I am told reliably, ladies and gentlemen, that the scuttlebutt among the people in the crowd was that it was not well received, that it was not classy. There might be some blow-back on this, maybe, not predicting it, we’ll see. But a reliable source who was there told me that there was all kinds of bzz bzz bzz bzz bzz in the crowd when Obama deviated from the accepted norm and started politicking.

Now, remember Ted Cruz. Here’s Ted Cruz’s quote: “President Obama does not want an immigration bill to pass. I think that the president wants to campaign on immigration reform in 2014 and 2016. And I think the reason that the White House is insisting on a path to citizenship for those who are here illegally is because the White House knows that insisting on that is very likely to scuttle the bill.” That’s Ted Cruz. By the way, the long knives in the Republican Party are out for him, too, big time. Not just for me and others on talk radio, but the long knives are out for him, too.

So he’s got the same theory that we espoused here yesterday. All of this, like amnesty, blatant amnesty, path to citizenship, that’s supposed to get killed in the Republican House. The danger is it may not. The Republicans, folks, they just may say, “Look, we’re sick and tired of always being opposed to everything. That’s what’s killing us.” That’s the way they think. You know, I describe what do I do. I get up every day here, I look at the people, the traditions, the institutions that I believe in and love under assault, under attack, and I come here and I defend them. That’s called push-back. Some people say that’s putting obstacles in the way of progress.

The Republicans, they’re not comfortable doing that. I think they have been told by consultants and the like that one of the problems that the people of the country have with Republicans is that they’re seen as constantly stopping things, their opponents. They oppose everything. They’re always against, they’re never for anything. And people don’t like ’em for that. The Republicans are always the obstacle and Republicans are saying, “We don’t want to be the obstacle anymore. That’s why people dislike us.” So I don’t know, but I wouldn’t be surprised if amnesty sailed through the House. Ted Cruz thinks it won’t and it likely won’t.

I’m just saying I wouldn’t be surprised if it did, for that reason that I just gave you, that they’re just sick and tired of opposing everything and they think opposing everything is why people don’t like ’em. So stop opposing, appear cooperative and be liked and end up with 150 members. Hearken back to the old Bob Michel days. Anyway, that’s where we appear to be on all of these issues, and it could well be that Ted Cruz is right. I think he is, that Obama’s looking for all this stuff to be defeated. He’s got plenty of time to get this done. They’re getting the Hispanic vote anyway already. They got plenty of time. I mean, winning the House is the big deal. I mean, that’s bigger than any individual piece of legislation right now, the Democrats winning the House in 2014. So we’ll just have to keep a sharp eye.


RUSH: Here is Ted Cruz, by the way. This is yesterday on CBS This Morning. He was talking to the mind-numbed hosts on that show about immigration reform, and this is what he said.

CRUZ: President Obama does not want an immigration bill to pass. I think the president wants to campaign on immigration reform in 2014 and 2016, and I think the reason that the White House is insisting on a path to citizenship for those who are here illegally is because the White House knows that insisting on that is very likely to scuttle the bill.

RUSH: In the House. In the House. That’s the key to this. Immigration reform, Gang of Eight, Senate, supposed to sail through there without too much trouble. But in the House, because it’s amnesty, or for all intents and purposes, a path to citizenship, it’s supposed to die there, on purpose. What Ted Cruz is saying is Obama’s made this thing so onerous, Republicans have to oppose it. And when they do and when they vote it down he’s got a campaign issue. Republicans hate Hispanics, Republicans don’t like freedom, whatever it is, and that’s what he means.

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