Sheila Jackson Lee: The Sequester Did It Apr 16, 2013RUSH: We have here a sound bite of Sheila Jackson Lee this morning in Washington on the House...
Why Liberals Always Ask, “Why?” Apr 16, 2013RUSH: Tyler in Tucson, Arizona, great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Hi, Rush. How...
Ban Pressure Cookers and Ball Bearings! Apr 16, 2013RUSH: Let’s go to Los Angeles. Steve, I’m glad you called. Great to have you here. Hi.CALLER: Hi....
John Kerry Tells the ChiComs Man-Made Global Warming is the Number One Priority of the United States Apr 16, 2013RUSH: John Kerry, secretary of state. Do you know what he’s doing? We might have a terrorist act...
Obama Works the Phones — For Gun Control Apr 16, 2013RUSH: Senator Elizabeth Warren wanted to get in on the big press conference in Boston this morning...
Isn’t This How Bill Ayers Got His Start? Apr 16, 2013RUSH: “Who’s Bill Ayers?” It’s a good question. People may not know who Bill Ayers is....
EIB Cure-A-Thon a Great Success Again Apr 16, 2013RUSH: Even in this depressed economy, even with all of the unrest and the unease that’s out there,...
The Left Politicizes the Boston Bombing Apr 16, 2013RUSH: I actually think as everybody’s trying to figure out what happened in Boston, who did it,...