Why Did TIME Invite Me This Year? Mar 14, 2013RUSH: I got an invitation. I got an invitation for the TIME 100 bash, and I know I’m not one of...
Vogue Interview with Michelle and Barack Exonerates George Gilder Mar 14, 2013RUSH: Moochelle Obama is featured on the cover of the latest Vogue magazine. Have you seen it? She...
CPAC Highlights: Rubio and West Mar 14, 2013RUSH: CPAC is underway. As I said earlier, I don’t even know why they do CPAC anymore. After my...
Has the Spokeskid Had Enough? Mar 14, 2013RUSH: This is very curious, folks. Last night I had a story here from Breitbart.com, about Jay...
Statists Must Wipe Out Religion and Instill Blind Faith in Government Mar 14, 2013RUSH: We go to Louisville. Doug, great to have you. I’m glad you called. Welcome to the EIB...
Obama Affirms the Limbaugh Theorem Mar 14, 2013RUSH: Obama went out and addressed the people at his campaign organization. It used to be called...
Drive-Bys Shocked to Learn Pope Francis is Catholic Mar 14, 2013RUSH: New pope. I am not Catholic. But I have endeavored, I have dug deep, I have attempted to...