Macs, PCs and Viruses Jan 25, 2013RUSH: David, Spotswood, New Jersey. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Hello, Rush. It’s a...
Dems Set Sights on Texas Jan 25, 2013RUSH: Here’s Russ in Dallas. I’m glad you called, sir, it’s nice to have you with us. Hi.CALLER:...
Didn’t We Do Women in Combat in the ’90s? Jan 25, 2013RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, I need to share something with you here. It’ll be 25 years in August...
NFL Faces Jerome Boger Controversy Jan 25, 2013RUSH: Do you know that name “Jerome Boger”? You don’t? Okay, get ready.Jerome Boger...
“Enlightened” Liberals Compare Every Issue to Slavery Because of Spielberg’s Lincoln Jan 25, 2013RUSH: Linebacker, Baltimore Ravens. I hope I pronounce his last name right. Brendon Ayanbadejo. He...
Tahrir Square, Two Years Later Jan 25, 2013RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, violence is flaring. It’s a sad day. It’s very depressing out there in...
The Sports Media Jihad Against Mickelson Jan 25, 2013RUSH: The sports media jihad against Phil Mickelson is continuing. To borrow a phrase from our...
Sandy Victims Shivering in the Cold? Jan 25, 2013RUSH: I was watching Fox this morning — well, I never really watch it, it’s just on while...
Federal Appeals Court Tells Obama He Violated the Constitution and Abused Power Jan 25, 2013RUSH: A federal appeals court has ruled that President Obama violated the Constitution when he...