All the Hot Low-Information News

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 24,2013

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RUSH: Folks, how great is this? It’s been confirmed that Adele will make her anticipated return to the stage when she shows up at the Epidemic Awards…uh, Academy Awards, to sing the title song to the movie Skyfall. It’s so great. First appearance in public since giving birth to a human baby. In addition to Adele showing up and singing live on stage… wow, hey, at least she’s not going to lip-sync it like Beyonce. People are really giving her grief over this. Wolf Blitzer just heard yesterday that she lip-synced and he’s all over it. I find it fascinating the things that upset people. We can be in all this debt and we can have an economy that’s being plundered, that is not growing. We have unemployment skyrocketing. We praise the guy in charge of it. Some singer gets up and lip-syncs the National Anthem and everybody has a cow.

Oh, well. In addition to Adele and her first public appearance, you know what else is going to happen? All six actors who have portrayed James Bond are going to be on the same stage for the first time ever. Do you realize what that’s going to mean for ratings for the Academy Awards? From Sean Connery on to Daniel Craig. I saw this news today, I thought, “Wow, this is a great way to get me going into the weekend.” That’s exciting stuff.

“Taylor Swift demanded a face-to-face showdown with Harry Styles.” She thinks he cheated on her. has the exclusive on this. And she says because of that she may never trust him again. That’s a shame. Terrible shame. The things that young people have to go through in America today and the trauma and the shock of the things they have to learn — just incredible.

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