Revenge on the Bitter Clingers Jan 16, 2013RUSH: I’m gonna take a stab at answering my question. Obama is literally pushing people to snap,...
A Newly Minted NRA Member Jan 16, 2013RUSH: Lucille, Long Island, great to have you. I’m glad you waited.CALLER: Hey, Rush.RUSH: Hey,...
If It Happens in the Northeast, the Media Cares More Jan 16, 2013RUSH: Folks, look, there are a couple of exceptions to do so, but I think for the most part you’ll...
Democrats Exploit Tragedy to Implement Their Utopian Agenda of Behavioral Control Jan 16, 2013RUSH: It’s all an exploitation of a very tragic and sad event. In this case, it’s Sandy Hook. It...
Tragic: “All My Babies’ Mamas” Cancelled Jan 16, 2013RUSH: We were all eagerly anticipating this spring, All My Babies’ Mamas on the Oxygen network....
Left Throws Fit Over NRA Ad Jan 16, 2013RUSH: Here’s the NRA ad. This is the audio of the NRA ad, in which they call the president an...
Regime Deputizes Gun-Snitch Doctors Jan 16, 2013RUSH: Among the things that the president has announced today — well, he didn’t announce...
Obama Provokes the American People Jan 16, 2013RUSH: President Obama today is taking action that a majority of Americans disagree with. He’s...