Flashback: Pelosi Claimed Jobless Benefits Were Economic Stimulus
RUSH: Here’s Rebecca, Palos Verdes, California. I have been there. Great, great place. How are...Journalists Think You’re Stupid
RUSH: Paul in Gainesville, Florida. Thank you for waiting. You’re next on Open Line Friday....Man Sets House Mouse Free Only to See It Killed by a Hawk
RUSH: Folks, I have a story here. This is uncanny. Do you remember the story I’ve told a couple of...Republicans Begin Gun Cave
RUSH: Open Line Friday to Seattle we go. Peter, thank you for calling, sir. Great to have you with...Regime Press Propagandists Only Cover Stories They Think Will Harm Republicans
RUSH: Aw, darn it! Obama is trying so hard. The regime is trying so hard. They never worked harder...Guess What? Digitized Health Records Don’t Save Any Money Like Obama Promised
RUSH: The New York Times. I hate to break this to you. Do you remember when they were touting...Happy Birthday, El Rushbo!
RUSH: It’s the fastest three hours in media. It’s Rush Limbaugh, the Excellence in Broadcasting...Media Blames Flu for Economic Downturn
RUSH: Here’s a headline from CNBC: “Major Flu Outbreak Threatens to Slow the Economy...Rolls-Royce Sales Spike? So What?
RUSH: We’re gonna start with Gail in Wayne, Pennsylvania. Hi, Gail. Glad that you called. Welcome...My New Year’s Resolution Could Be Doomed Because I Just Cannot Be Boring
RUSH: I mean, I didn’t even do anything and I ended up being discussed! I mean, I literally didn’t do anything.