Take a Break, But Don’t Give Up Dec 21, 2012RUSH: Jim in Indianapolis. Hi, and welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Thank you, Rush. Love...
Will Boehner Survive as Speaker — and What Happens Next on the Fiscal Cliff? Dec 21, 2012RUSH: Here’s Don in Lake Ronkonkoma, Long Island. Great to have you on the program, sir....
EIB Sounds of the Season: Baracka Claus Dec 21, 2012RUSH: It’s our 25th Christmas together. Folks, you and I have been together longer than some...
The News from Low-Information America Dec 21, 2012RUSH: Get this! “A Bronx health clinic is promoting its services with a new video featuring...
We Make Liberal Brains Begin to Think Dec 21, 2012RUSH: We’re gonna start in Augusta, Georgia, with Ben. Thank you for calling, sir. Great to have...
Wayne LaPierre Calls Out the Media Dec 21, 2012RUSH: I was gonna see if the sound bite roster’s got Wayne LaPierre on it, and… Okay....
Don’t Blame Me for Plan B Debacle Dec 21, 2012RUSH: I was up very late last night. I was up exceedingly late consuming adult beverages. Well, I...