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RUSH: At Obama’s press conference today, Jake Tapper got the last question, and The One did not like it. We have the exchange for you. You talk about a guy that can’t deal with criticism? By the way, it’s our president who I don’t think could live a day in my shoes, actually, but I can’t even say that. That sounds like I’m complaining, and I’m not. Anyway, Jake Tapper basically said, “Look, you’ve been talking about doing something on guns for four years and you haven’t done diddly-squat. Why not?” That’s the essence of the question. Here’s how Jacob Tapper asked it.

TAPPER: It seems to a lot of observers that you made the political calculation in 2008, in your first term, and in 2012, not to talk about gun violence. You had your position on renewing the ban on semi-automatic rifles that then-Senator Biden put into place. But you didn’t do much about it. This is not the first incident of horrific gun violence of your four years. Where have you been?

RUSH: In fact, this is Obama’s fourth. This is the fourth violent, mass death incident. One per year is how it’s averaging out for Obama. And, see, here’s Obama up there, what does he do? Obama gets to live in this phony world where he’s Mr. Perfect and he’s never criticized. And whatever he says is treated as though it’s near biblical. So Obama has lived off this notion that he’s doing everything he can to stop these things, and he was gonna make sure they didn’t happen in the first place. We were all gonna love each other. We were all gonna be unified, and we were gonna get a different country and we were gonna be apolitical and there wasn’t gonna be any partisanship. There weren’t gonna be any disagreement.

That’s what Obama promised people in 2008. That’s what they thought he meant. He did dissuade people from thinking that about him. When they wanted to treat him like a messiah he accepted it and told them they were right, he is a messiah. Whatever people wanted him to be, that’s what he allowed himself to be, no matter how unrealistic it was. So Jake Tapper says, “Here you are, you’re up here pontificating every day about how much you care and you’re working hard on this. Where have you been the last four years?” And here was Barry’s answer.

OBAMA: Well, here’s where I’ve been, Jake. Uh, I’ve been president of the United States dealing with the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, an auto industry on the verge of collapse, two wars. I don’t think I’ve been on vacation. And, so, you know, I think all of us have to do some reflection on how we prioritize, um, what we do here in Washington.

RUSH: Of all that, he keeps talking in virtually everything he says, be the economy or his job or — what is this “two wars” business? This guy couldn’t have put up with World War II. Can you imagine this guy being president during Vietnam? Can you imagine the excuses he would be making for himself if Pearl Harbor happened, or if 9/11 had happened when he was president? Oh, it did, in Benghazi. He was perfect there, by the way. The report’s out. Obama was perfect. See, Obama’s one of these guys, he lives in this bubble the media creates for him. He accepts it. He walks around believing he’s special. He’s it. He’s loved and adored by everybody. He’s special. There’s nobody like him.

Most presidents get questions like this 25 times a day. Sam Donaldson lived off of questions like this to Ronald Reagan. Reagan’s answer was to smile and look at Sam, “Ah, that’s just Sam being Sam.” And he’d laugh it off. I guarantee you, Jacob Tapper is in some crosshairs now for this insolence and this disrespect. There might even be a phone call from the White House to ABC today, say, “What the hell was that?” And the purpose of that phone call will be to make sure that kind of question is never asked again. You don’t ask dictators… uh… presidents, questions like that. Disrespect.

So here’s Obama, (imitating Obama) “What do you mean? I’ve been dealing with the worst economy, Great Depression. Yep. I’ve been working hard to make it worse. It hasn’t been easy, Jake. You think it’s easy making the economy worse than when I found it? I mean, I’ve been working hard. It’s tough keeping people out of work in this economy, it’s real hard, but I’ve done it.” Auto industry on the verge of collapse. What’s the news today? There’s something about GM in the news today. Buying back stock, the taxpayers screwed multiple billions again. There is no saving the auto industry. Not in reality. His chosen vehicle is one that nobody wants. “Save the auto industry.”

And, “I haven’t been on vacation”? He’s taken more vacation time and his wife more vacation… if you add their vacation time they’ve probably been on vacation more than they’ve been working. “Well, I don’t think I’ve been on vacation.” So Tapper’s basically saying, “Okay, these things keep happening. They keep getting worse, but you keep telling us you’re working hard to fix all that. Where you been?” I love the question. It’s one of the rare times Obama gets called out on this little false bubble in which he lives.

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