A Three-Day Super Bowl Weekend?

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 14,2012

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RUSH: Here is Kelly in Winchester, Virginia. Hi. Great to have you here.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. It’s a pleasure. I have two things I want to say. Snerdley wants me to get to the first one first. The second is an analogy with my daughter about punishing the successful. But the first part is, I want the Super Bowl to be on Saturday instead of Sunday.

RUSH: Wait a minute.


RUSH: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! You’re a woman and you like the Super Bowl?


RUSH: Or is that when your husband beats you?

CALLER: Well, my husband’s a Steelers fan so the Super Bowl is really only important when the Steelers are in it, but we always have a party.


CALLER: The party goes late.

RUSH: Oh, and you gotta go to work on Monday.

CALLER: And everybody lives kind of far away and they’re drinking. It would be just be so much easier if it was on a Saturday. How do you feel about that?

RUSH: Well, you know, I have wondered why they don’t turn the Super Bowl into a three-day holiday with Monday some sort of a holiday.

CALLER: (laughing)

RUSH: Maybe combine it with Presidents Day. Do you know how to get this done?


RUSH: Combine it with the ski industry. The ski industry is a powerful lobby. If you want to know why there is Presidents Day in February, the ski industry lobbied Congress heavily for a three-day holiday to encourage patronage at ski lodges on Mondays. If you get the ski industry involved with the NFL, you might be able to keep the game on Sunday and make the Monday following Presidents Day. Just call it some holiday weekend and be done with it. Look, with the way our society is headed, more and more people are not working anyway. What’s the harm?

CALLER: Really.

RUSH: One of the advantages in moving the game to Saturday, though, is that fewer players would get caught the night before the game with prostitutes. Because it’s been proven that players frequent prostitutes more on Saturday night than Friday.

CALLER: I never thought of that.

RUSH: Well, not a lot of people have gotten into it to that degree I have but I understand totally. You know, I go to the Super Bowl sometimes. I’m not going to this year’s, but I know what you mean. To come back to work the next day after leaving the Super Bowl late, get back three or four clock in the morning? I totally understand what you’re talking about.

CALLER: Well, maybe you can put some pressure.

RUSH: And you don’t want to move the game up in the afternoon. That would take away from the festive party atmosphere and nature of the day. You want to keep the game at six o’clock Eastern, maybe even seven. A seven o’clock Eastern start.


RUSH: So, yeah, I understand exactly what you’re talking about.

CALLER: Well, the second thing I wanted to mention —

RUSH: I just don’t think they’re ever gonna move it to Saturday. Saturday is just not a day that’s associated with the NFL. Sunday or Monday is.

CALLER: Well, the second thing I wanted to mention was an analogy that I talked to my daughter about, about punishing the successful. It had to do with her grades, which she’s straight A. I said, “Well, to make it fair to everyone, what if they asked you to donate part of your grades and maybe get a B?”

RUSH: You know, that works.

CALLER: And give the kids that got a D, a C.

RUSH: That way of relating it to kids works. I have had professors tell me that they have suggested that to their students.

CALLER: She didn’t like the idea.

RUSH: Of course not, because it was her work! It was her work that produced the A.

CALLER: Exactly. I tried to get her to listen to you. We get you in the car between Justin Bieber and the Zac Brown Band, but I’m trying to get her there.

RUSH: Well, God bless you. I think that is great. That’s smart. As I say, I know a lot of college professors have actually proposed that and it works. Look, I’ve got another idea on this Super Bowl. The Monday after the Super Bowl… Oh, this is even better! This is the way to do it. We create a new not-so-much holiday, but national day of awareness. The Monday following the Super Bowl is National Concussion and Brain Injury Awareness Day.

I mean, if we’re gonna have the NFL players, the whole month of October, wear pink to show solidarity with breast cancer awareness, what is the biggest problem plaguing the NFL? Concussions, brain injuries. It’s leading to suicides and murders. National Concussion Brain Injury Awareness Day. The Monday following the Super Bowl. And you’d have… (interruption) Well, of course you take off work!

You take off work and you contemplate concussions and brain injuries, particularly of those who have just suffered them in the game the day before. Is that not brilliant? Is that not great? That’s the way to do this. I mean, you kill two birds… Bad choice of words. But you would accomplish everything the league is about. Three days of weekend holiday, and the Monday after the game off so the partying can go on with no limits on Sunday.

You donÂ’t have to worry about working Monday, and then Monday’s devoted to public consciousness-raising on concussions and brain injury. By the way, speaking of that, the New York Post has a story today claiming to know what the argument between Jovan Belcher and the mother of his child was about. Apparently the argument was over paternity. The New York Post is saying that he might not have been the father of that child, and that he found out or something and had trouble dealing with it.

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