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RUSH: I did something, I did a little test here. I Googled — see, I’ve got a theory about young people, and I think young people are terribly insecure, under 30, they’re insecure about their future, they’re insecure about themselves. I mean, success is a daunting thing to everybody. Everybody wants it. In this day and age it’s very difficult to achieve it, in this climate.

So I Googled the following phrase: “How do you help Hispanics progress?” And you know what the second item is? “Seven ways the Affordable Care Act helps Latinos.” The second item in a Google search, “How do you help Hispanics progress?” Second item, “Seven ways the Affordable Care Act helps Latinos.” So then I Googled, “How do you help young women progress?” The third item, “Women and Obamacare,” via the Center for American Progress.

Now, the Google people say, “That’s just the algorithms. We’re not setting things up here. You can’t buy positions on our search pages.” Right. How do you help women progress, and the third item is women and Obamacare? How do you help Hispanics progress, and the second item is seven ways the Affordable Care Act helps Latinos, also from the Center for American Progress. That’s an Obama think tank that John Podesta runs.

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