Two Callers End the Show on a Great Note Nov 5, 2012RUSH: Woodbridge, Virginia. Hi, Melissa. It’s great to have you on the program. Hello.CALLER: Hey,...
Obama: Our Ideas Work Nov 5, 2012RUSH: Obama just said — he’s at a campaign rally. I don’t know where. He’s doing a swing...
CBS Engages in Journalistic Malpractice on Benghazi Nov 5, 2012RUSH: I have not forgotten Benghazi. I have it right here, how CBS has engaged in journalistic...
This 2010 Song is Still Relevant Nov 5, 2012RUSH: I mentioned this song. The song is two years old. It was sent to me by my brother who got it...
The Left’s War on Women Lies Nov 5, 2012RUSH: I want to play you an audio sound bite from Cokie Roberts yesterday on ABC’s This Week. This...
Don’t Be Scared — Vote! Nov 5, 2012RUSH: Denise in Baltimore. I’m glad you waited. It’s great to have you on the program. Hi.CALLER:...
A Young Democrat for Romney Nov 5, 2012RUSH: Here’s Amanda, Pittsburgh. Amanda, hi, great to have you on the program. You’re up first...
Why Is Nobody Calculating 2010? Nov 5, 2012RUSH: It looks like the final Gallup is out, and it’s 49-48 Romney, and in no poll that I could...
See, I Told You So: Obama Wants Revenge Nov 5, 2012RUSH: This country is not gonna elect a guy president who’s running around telling people to vote...
Media Theme: Hurricane Sandy Saved Obama Nov 5, 2012RUSH: Okay, the theme from the State-Controlled Media over the weekend and today. The theme that...
Everything — Except the Polls — Points to a Romney Landslide Nov 5, 2012RUSH: Well, the Drive-Bys are all excited because Romney has announced he’s going back to Ohio...