Bill Clinton: “I May be the Only Person in America, But I’m Far More Enthusiastic About Obama This Time”

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 2,2012

RUSH: That’s exactly what Bill Clinton said! (impression) “I may be the only person in America, but I’m more excited about Obama this time.” Now, are we supposed to believe that Bill Clinton doesn’t know what he’s saying? Why would he say, “I may be the only person in America”? What does that mean? (interruption) No, no, no. Seriously! Clinton didn’t just open the mouth and have syllables pop out.

“I may be the only person in America, but I’m more excited about Obama this time.”

Is he admitting something here or am I reading too much into this? (interruption) I don’t think I’m reading too much into it, either, but I don’t want to be wrong about it. I don’t want to be reading too much into it if there’s nothing to read here, but you got a guy (we’re three days or four days away from the election) saying, “I may be the only person in America, but I’m more excited about Obama this time.”

It’s sort of like this notion that Obama “acting presidential” with Chris Christie for a couple hours is a game-changer. What needs to be changed?


RUSH: Here, grab 28. You don’t believe me. Snerdley doesn’t believe me. He told me during the break that he doesn’t believe that Clinton said all that.

CLINTON: I hear all these people say, “Oh, I was so enthusiastic four years ago. I had so much hope for change. And I’m disappointed in this, that, and the other thing.” Let me tell you something: I may be the only person in America, but I am far more enthusiastic about President Obama this time than I was four years ago.

RUSH: That’s even worse than I thought. He’s down in Lake Worth. He’s down in Lake Worth. Lake Worth matters ’cause that’s where the FedEx center is, and FedEx brings our Apple stuff. So we love Lake Worth. Clinton was down there in Lake Worth (impression), “I hear all these people say…” He’s admitting it! Where’s he going? He’s going to Democrat groups. (impression)

“Hey, everywhere I go, they say they’re so disappointed. They were hoping for this; they’re wanting change there and they’re hoping for that, and ‘I’m disappointed in this; I’m disappointed in that.'” He’s not talking about Republicans. He’s not talking to Republican groups. Boy, with friends like this, who needs enemies? In Florida he’s saying (impression), “Yeah, everywhere I go people tell me how disappointed they are.

“They wanted change and didn’t get it. Yeah. Now, I may be the only guy in America (laughing) but I’m more excited (laughing)…” I’m sorry, folks. I’m sorry. I don’t see how that works for Obama! Let’s see. Oh, the unemployment rate. I saw Obama today. Obama’s out there saying, “We had more jobs created last month than at any time since I’ve been president.”

The unemployment rate went up to 7.9% from 7.8%, and as usual… (sigh) Well, I predict the postelection revisions in these numbers are gonna shock a lot of people. And if Obama’s already-promised policies, already not quite etched in stone — if he’s reelected and they’re implemented — we’re speeding right into another recession. The horror stories that are coming out state by state now about tax increases and costs of premiums for health insurance with this early implementation of Obamacare, are scary.

So this 7.9% number, it went up, and Obama’s out saying (impression), “Well, the only reason it went up is because more people are looking for work. They’re feeling better about finding a job, aaaaand more people are looking for work.” When he took office, the unemployment rate was 7.8%. He spent the stimulus, and promised a 5.2% employment. He was promising 500,000 jobs a month. This 171,000 jobs number today is barely enough to keep up with our population growth.


RUSH: Steve in Virginia Beach, you’re first on the phones. It’s great to have you here. I’m glad you waited. Hi.

CALLER: Thanks, Mayor Rush, 20-year resident of Realville dittos to you.

RUSH: Thank you, sir.

CALLER: Yeah, my wife and I went to the Mitt Romney rally here in Virginia Beach last night. It was originally scheduled for Sunday, but ’cause the storm messed it up they rescheduled within 48 hours. And for that short of notice, the turnout was unbelievable. I would estimate at least 10,000, although I really couldn’t tell for sure, just a gut feeling of how many were there. But the energy was just out of sight. The first thing I noticed when I walked in, there was no teleprompter, so it was obvious it wasn’t an Obama rally, right there, beside the fact they had a big crowd. But he had one line that we had not heard before. He was talking about Obama claiming how much energy he wants to use and on and on and on and talking about using oil and gas and so forth. And Mitt says, (paraphrasing) “He keeps talking about all the above, all the above,” and Mitt says, “I couldn’t figure out what he’s talking about, then it hit me. When he’s talking about all the above, it’s all the energy above the ground, like wind and solar and all that kind of stuff.” And he got a pretty good laugh out of that line.

RUSH: Well, it’s good that people are laughing out there. We need to be laughing. And Obama makes you cry. Obama can make you cry, Obama can make you outraged and so forth. But everybody that I hear from who attends a Romney rally remarks on the size and the enthusiasm of the crowd. But look, I’m not throwing cold water on it but we could take calls all day from people that say that, and it still adds up to anecdotal. I’m not trying to throw cold water on it, don’t misunderstand. It’s hard to attach a scientific meaning to it. It is real, there’s no question about it. You’ve gotta hear this again. This is Clinton this morning in Lake Worth, Florida, which is 10 minutes, 15 at the most, south of the EIB Southern Command.

CLINTON: I hear all these people say, “Oh, I was so enthusiastic four years ago. I had so much hope for change. And I’m disappointed in this, that, and the other thing.” Let me tell you something: I may be the only person in America, but I am far more enthusiastic about President Obama this time than I was four years ago.

RUSH: Now, it may just be me, but I don’t associate that with winning. I don’t associate any of that with a winning feeling, or a winning aura. He really said this. He’s getting hoarse out there, by the way. “I hear all these people say, ‘Oh, I was so enthusiastic four years ago. I had so much hope for change. And I’m disappointed in this, that, and the other thing.'” This is an Obama rally and he’s admitting that Obama’s voters are complaining to him. He’s not hearing this in the media. He’s not hearing that on television. Where’s he hearing this? He’s hearing it when he’s talking to these people. And then, the cherry on top, the icing on the cake. “I may be the only guy in America, but I’m far more enthusiastic –” (laughing) Oh. I love it.

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