Clueless Obama Wants to Create “Secretary of Business” Oct 29, 2012RUSH: Here is Sean in Arlington, Texas. It’s great to have you here, sir. Hi.CALLER: Hi, Rush....
Disgusting Pro-Obama Ad Exploits Kids Oct 29, 2012RUSH: I’m just being blatantly honest with you. I’m dialing it back so much today; you can’t...
Caller: This Show Opened My Eyes Oct 29, 2012RUSH: Here is Brian in Los Angeles, and I’m glad you called, sir. It’s great to have you here....
Press Corps to Spokeskid Carney: Can the President Postpone the Election? Oct 29, 2012RUSH: So Jay Carney, White House press secretary, just got some questions from the Drive-By Media....
Low-Rent Drive-By Media: 2008 is in the Past and Americans are Racists Again Oct 29, 2012RUSH: This is October 27th. This was Saturday. This is more of what I believe to be evidence that...
Latest on Benghazi: Tyrone Woods Painted a Target, But the Missile Never Came Oct 29, 2012RUSH: Okay, coming up in the next hour, ladies and gentlemen, some of the highlights from a...
November Limbaugh eLetter Goes Live Oct 29, 2012RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, as you know, we’ve taken the Limbaugh Letter digital. The largest...
Suddenly, Polls Don’t Matter, Endorsements Don’t Matter — and Ohio Doesn’t Matter? Oct 29, 2012RUSH: We have some proof here that… Well, never mind. Let me take a brief time-out anyway....
Weather Gods Interfere in the Campaign — and the Left Prays the Storm Helps Obama Oct 29, 2012RUSH: Somebody just told me Romney’s canceled a campaign event in Wisconsin because of the...
The Messiah Puts Mitt in Dunce Cap Oct 26, 2012RUSH: Okay, so here’s the latest from the Obama campaign website. Drudge just put it on his front...
Another New Listener Finds Out This Program Doesn’t Match What He’d Heard Oct 26, 2012RUSH: Joseph in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. I knew it had to be Latrobe. Welcome to the program.CALLER:...
Elected Democrat Won Over by This Show Oct 26, 2012RUSH: Mike, Long Island, great to have you. Open Line Friday. Hello.CALLER: Hey, Rush. Thanks for...
Are Some in the Chain of Command Still Haunted by Carter’s Failed Rescue in 1979? Oct 26, 2012RUSH: Now to the phones since it’s Open Line Friday. Doug in San Antonio. Great to have you on the...
Biden: Romney Wants $500 Trillion Tax Cut Oct 26, 2012RUSH: Folks, listen to this. This is Joe Biden. This is this morning in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Listen...
With All the Polling Data Trending to Romney, Bite-Me Goes to Wisconsin! Oct 26, 2012RUSH: 51-46, Mitt Romney over Barack Obama in the daily Gallup tracking poll. And Romney has moved...
War on Women? Obama Ad Compares Voting for Obama to Losing Your Virginity Oct 26, 2012RUSH: How about this ad? Here we are in the midst of the War on Women, right, the Republicans hate...
We Don’t Need Conspiracy Theories to Explain What Happened in Libya Oct 26, 2012RUSH: So the father of the slain SEAL, “Who made the decision not to save my son?”...
What Biden and Hillary Told the Father of Former SEAL Killed in Consulate Attack Oct 26, 2012RUSH: Not enough intel. The Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, says we didn’t have enough intel....
Obama Regime Denied Requests for Help from CIA Heroes During Benghazi Attack Oct 26, 2012RUSH: Fox News within the last 35 minutes, ladies and gentlemen, has broken a story that will...