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RUSH: Bill Clinton, War on Women. Our idea was to have all of the Clinton women on stage at a Republican War on Women theme night. We’d have Gennifer Flowers, Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick. They ought to get Juanita Broaddrick up there anyway. They ought to bring her to the convention and let her speak. She was the one that accused — credibly accused — Clinton of rape.

Since that seems to be such a cause celebre right now, bring her up there. (I know it’ll never happen, but still.) So these guys, while trying to make a big deal out of Todd Akin and rape and abortion and War on Women, are gonna bring Bill Clinton in as their big keynoter. So the Obama campaign, on their website, has released a new ad by Clinton. It’s entitled “Clear Choice.”

CLINTON: This election, to me, is about which candidate is more likely to return us to full employment. This is a clear choice. The Republican plan is to cut more taxes on upper-income people and go back to deregulation. That’s what got us in trouble in the first place. President Obama has a plan to rebuild America from the ground up, investing in innovation, education, and job training. It only works if there is a strong middle class. That’s what happened when I was president. We need to keep goin’ with his plan.

RUSH: I cannot sit here and listen to this without practically exploding. Anyway, before I explode, we have put together our own ad. We’ve put together our own version of Clinton and this ad interspersed with what Clinton really thinks. Because Clinton doesn’t believe anything he just said in that ad. Here’s what we have put together…

CLINTON AD: This election, to me, is about which candidate is more likely to return us to full unemployment. This is a clear choice.

CLINTON, MAY 2012: A man who’s been governor and had a sterling business career crosses the qualification threshold.

CLINTON AD: The Republican plan is to cut more taxes on upper-income people and go back to deregulation. That’s what got us in trouble in the first place.

CLINTON, JUNE 2012: That’s probably the best thing to do right now. I don’t have any problem with extending all of [the Bush tax rates] now.

CLINTON AD: President Obama has a plan to rebuild America from the ground up. We need to keep going with his plan.

CLINTON, JANUARY 2008: Give me a break! This whole thing is the biggest fairytale I’ve ever seen.

RUSH: First, Bill Clinton talking about Obama in 2008. The second Clinton “reality” clip was when he was talking about Romney’s qualifications, and he said the guy’s “been governor and had a sterling business career, crosses the qualification threshold.” And then he was talking about the Bush tax cuts when we inserted (impression), “That’s probably the best thing to do right now. I don’t have any problem extending all of it now.” That’s what he really thinks. But, “This election to me is about which candidate is more likely to return us to full employment”?

By the time this election comes around we’re gonna have nearly four years of utter disaster, four years of somebody who has demonstrated he hasn’t slightest idea — or, I don’t believe, interest — in really putting people back to work. “The Republican plan is to cut more taxes on upper-income people and go back to deregulation.” That’s cliche. But they know that their Moron Voters are gonna believe it. “That’s what got us in trouble in the first place”? Yeah, tax cuts and the rich is what got us into trouble in the first place.

Obama has “a plan to rebuild America from the ground up”?

That’s ’cause he’s gonna destroy it!

There isn’t gonna be anything left.

If he’s got “a plan to rebuild America from the ground up,” how come he waited four years to put it into play? If Obama’s got this great plan, where is it? ‘Cause whatever he’s doing now is doing the exact opposite of what Clinton claims Obama is able to do! Obama can’t rebuild anything. He hasn’t rebuilt jack! Obama’s defied it; he’s destroyed. He’s spending us into oblivion. He’s spending us into a fiscal collapse. Where we are is not sustainable. Four consecutive years of trillion- dollar deficits. That’s never happened. One of the last two years of the Bush administration (year six, year seven, I forget which) the deficit was $167 billion.

Barack Obama has had four annual deficits in excess of $1 trillion!

It’s never been done before.

Obama’s gonna invest in innovation? Innovation doesn’t get invested in by the government. How do you invest in innovation? How do you identify it? It’s maddening. Education, job training? Why do we need job training? There aren’t any jobs. What do we need job training for? What are schools for? Why do people go to school? Why do you have schools and then job training centers? It’s because schools are in such bad shape. And it only works if there’s a strong middle class. We just learned from the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press that the middle class is in worst shape than it’s been in since the end of World War II. And who’s been running things for four years?

Even if you want to accept the lie that eight years of Bush destroyed the economy, even if you want to believe that, would somebody tell me what the last four years have shown? Obama’s not qualified. He hasn’t the slightest idea how to rebuild the middle class. I, frankly, don’t think he’s that much interested in that anyway, but if he were, he doesn’t know how. He hasn’t the slightest idea how genuine and real economic growth occurs in the private sector. It’s amazing. So even if you accept that eight years, which is not true, but if eight years of Bush destroyed the economy — and we know it’s not true — somebody show me where, in the last three-and-a-half or four years, we got anybody who knows what to do to fix it. We don’t.

I see this number: 52%. It scrolled out of my view. Fifty-two percent of the American people in the middle class think Obama is best suited to rebuild the middle class. Fifty-two percent? I don’t believe it. I think that’s the Wilder Effect in polling data. I think it’s the result of a number of things. Yeah, 52% of self-described middle class adults says Obama’s policies in a second term would help the middle class? The only way that can be true is if the middle class becomes nothing but a bunch of takers. Obama’s policies are not oriented toward job creation. Obama’s policies are not oriented toward expanding work. Obama’s policies are oriented toward expanding government and handouts and expanding the number of takers. So if 52% of the self-described middle class say that Obama’s policies would help the middle class, the only way that can be true is if you define helping the middle class by increasing government payouts.


RUSH: Bill in Seaside Park, New Jersey. Bill, great to have you. Hello, sir.

CALLER: El Rushbo. Muchos dittos. How are you?

RUSH: Fine, sir. Thank you very much.

CALLER: Good. Hey, you know, I’ve been on hold for a while here. I’m enjoying every second listening to you. This is a special day for me —

RUSH: Thank you very much, sir.

CALLER: — getting through to you and, you know, talking about what I want to say. But, you know, I listened to the sound bite of Bill Clinton vouching for Obama and the reasons for him to get reelected. Yesterday, my book came in the mail. I ordered The Amateur. Have you read it, by Edward Klein?

RUSH: I have excerpts. I’ve not read the whole book, no. The Klein book, Ed Klein?


RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: It’s been out all summer, but I went on one of the websites and I took advantage of an opportunity. I got it basically for free, other than the 4.95 shipping charges, you know —

RUSH: It’s a hell of a deal. Even though I can afford anything I want, I love getting free stuff.

CALLER: It’s brand-new, 28-dollar hardcover, you know? You can’t beat that with a stick.

RUSH: Isn’t that great? I mean all you had to pay was the shipping charge.

CALLER: Exactly.

RUSH: That’s great. Congratulations.

CALLER: Yeah. Thank you. But I’m two years older than you, Rush. I’m a ex-teacher, educator. I taught school for ten years, when I got out of college in 71, and then I went into private sector for the subsequent 30 years. I had my own CITGO gas station. I had a restaurant. I had my own new car automobile dealership, and up until ’08 I even had my own mortgage company in Pennsylvania.

RUSH: Bill, you didn’t build any of that.

CALLER: I knew you were gonna say that, okay? But I’m recently retired involuntarily, and I just wanted to bring up this book, The Amateur, because the prologue is entitled, “As Bill sees it,” and it goes into about seven or eight pages of how Mr. Clinton was hammering his wife to run for president. He commissioned his own private polling, and he wouldn’t let up. I’m sure you read the prologue. He wouldn’t let up. And then in the prologue Chelsea walks in the room, he was having a dinner party at the residence on Long Island.

RUSH: Well, the point of the book is, the Clintons really, Bill Clinton particularly, does not like Obama and doesn’t think much of him.

CALLER: Correct. Correct. And that’s why I just couldn’t believe my ears listening to him, you know, vouching —

RUSH: Well, good. You shouldn’t. Mike, grab sound bite four. This is what he’s talking about. This is an ad that Clinton has cut for Obama, and we know that Clinton has ripped Obama for criticizing Bain Capital. Clinton likes private equity. Clinton has been critical of Obama on a number of things. So when you hear Clinton do this ad, people paying attention, like you, you read the book, you say, “Wait a minute, this doesn’t compute.” This doesn’t make sense because having read that book, if you believe it, Clinton doesn’t believe any of this.

CLINTON AD: This election, to me, is about which candidate is more likely to return us to full unemployment. This is a clear choice. The Republican plan is to cut more taxes on upper income people and go back to deregulation. That’s what got us in trouble in the first place. President Obama has a plan to rebuild America from the ground up investing in innovation, education and job training. It only works if there is a strong middle class. That’s what happened when I was president. We need to keep going with his plan.

RUSH: I mean, here’s a guy, in an ad for Obama, has to plug himself. (imitating Clinton) “That’s what happened when I was president.” It’s phenomenal. Obama, we need a strong middle class? Who’s destroying it? It was Clinton — by the way, the title of the book, The Amateur, that’s what Clinton calls Obama. According to Klein’s book, it’s Bill Clinton who called Obama the amateur. So that ad, when you hear it, if you’re up to speed — and those of you listening to this program are — you realize that ad doesn’t have any believability. It doesn’t even have salesmanship or passion in it.

But it’s still Bill Clinton, and he’s still the rock star of the Democrat Party, in a party that really wants to try to convince people that it’s the Republicans conducting a War on Women. Anyway, Bill, I appreciate the call. I’m glad that you got through. I appreciate that you stayed on hold as long as you did. But it’s worth it when you’re on hold on this program. It’s unlike being on hold anywhere else, something actively some people want, is to be on hold, to virtually hear every element that we make possible during commercial breaks and everything else, some of the parodies.

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