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RUSH: Romney wants to poison the water. Pelosi said Romney wants everybody to get E. coli. So the Republicans want to poison the water, they want to poison the air, and they want arsenic in the water. Pelosi says the Republicans want everybody to get E. coli, and the Democrats have been using this “Robin Hood in reverse” business since 1995. They must think it works. And maybe it does. They must think it works.

Here’s Pelosi yesterday. She was near here. Did you know she was in town? She was in Boca Raton. She came in and she did a fundraiser for Lois Frankel, the mayor of West Palm Beach. I ran into Lois Frankel once. You remember the story? We’re out to dinner here at the Palm Beach Steakhouse, and Lois Frankel is there. She’s the mayor of West Palm Beach, former member of the Florida legislature. She was big in Bush-Gore 2000.

She was best buds with that Florida Supreme Court justice, Barbara Pariente. She was all over television during Bush-Gore, you know, mouthing the Democrat line. Now she’s mayor of West Palm Beach. So we’re all in there. I’m with another couple, so maybe four people at our table. Mayor Frankel’s over there at a big circle table of ten, and I forget how it happened, but she wanted a picture.

So I posed for a picture. Then I’m leaving the restaurant, and here she comes again. She’d been around the corner at Sprinkles getting some ice cream, and she and her party came walking up to us. They were the nicest people, fun and nice. And the picture makes it in the paper. Lois Frankel. She was very nice. Anyway, Pelosi came and did a fundraiser for her. After that, she ended up down in Boca for an event for a congressional candidate, and this is what she said…

PELOSI: I say to them, “Do you have children who breathe air? Do you have grandchildren who drink water?” As a mom, I was vigilant about food safety. Right, moms? I mean, if you could depend on government for one thing, it was about you had to be able to trust the water that our kids drank and the food that they ate! But this is the E. Coli Club.

RUSH: Were you guys able to hear that? That’s horrible audio. I apologize for that. Here’s what she said: “I say to [the Republicans], ‘Do you have children who breathe air? Do you have grandchildren who drink water?'” No. Actually, we don’t, Pelosi. Our kids just eat Mars dust. It’s got everything in it you need. “As a mom, I was vigilant about food safety. Right, moms? I mean, if you could depend on government for one thing, it was that you had to be able to trust the water that our kids drank and the food that they ate! But this is the E. Coli Club.”

So the Republicans want to poison children. This is not new, either. Republicans want to poison the water, they want to poison the air, and only government can save people from all this. Government always been what screws everything up! Let’s go back to 1995. This is a sound bite from Rush Limbaugh the television show. It’s another montage of Democrats with what was big then…

REP. THOMAS BARRETT: Why do the Republicans want to take apples and milk away from six-year-olds?

REP. LYNN WOOLSEY: Starving children is not the solution to balancing our budget.

REP. LITTLE DICK GEPHARDT: The Republicans are taking foooood out of the mouths of millions of needy and middle-class children!

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: It’s cruel to kids!

SEN. DICK DURBIN: Stop declaring war on our kids!

SEN. TED KENNEDY: War on their children! War on their children!

REP. PATSY SCHROEDER: I also would like to speak to [sic] a moment about the mean-spiritedness I’m hearing about the on the floor today.

REP. PAUL VOLKER: But how can they be so mean-spirited?

REP. LITTLE DICK GEPHARDT: These cuts are mean-spirited!

REP. JOSE SERRANO: The mean-spirited Republicans…

SEN. PAUL WELLSTONE: It is mean-spirited! It is vicious!

REP. JERRY NADLER: These Draconian, mean-spirited, and immoral cuts in funding.

REP. PATSY SCHROEDER: We’re seeing Draconian cuts in all sorts of social service programs.

REP. LUIS GUTIERREZ: We’re gonna let the kids go hungry again.

REP. JOHN LEWIS: They’re coming for our children. They’re coming for the poor. They’re coming for the sick, the elderly, and the disabled.

RUSH: This stuff is old. That’s 1995. That’s 17 years ago. Yeah, 17 years ago. They keep doing this stuff. Romney Hood, Robin Hood, reverse Robin Hood, poison the air, poison the water. Why does anybody vote for these people anymore? Why does anybody vote for ’em? How do they get a single vote? I’m going nuts trying to answer the question.

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