Our Only Choice: Win Elections Jun 28, 2012RUSH: There is one solution. “Remedy,” maybe is not the word. We have one choice, and...
What Happened to John Roberts? Jun 28, 2012RUSH: I want to go back to the Grooveyard of Forgotten Favorites. Our archives. By the way, I...
Why Employers Will Dump Health Insurance Jun 28, 2012RUSH: I’m blue in the face saying this. So for those of you who have heard it and understand it,...
A Precedent for Unlimited Taxation Jun 28, 2012RUSH: I checked the e-mail during the break, and people asked me, “Do you really mean it,...
Callers Weigh In on Obamacare Ruling Jun 28, 2012RUSH: I know you want to weigh in on this. So we’re gonna start now with Bob in Oxford,...
It All Boils Down to November Jun 28, 2012RUSH: Now, the politics of this. I was thinking today, folks, right before the show began, how...
Freedom of Choice Meets Its Death Panel Jun 28, 2012RUSH: President Kardashian is on television as we speak. I decided not to JIP President...
The Court Rules: Obamacare is the Largest Tax Increase in the History of the World Jun 28, 2012RUSH: Hey, folks, have you seen the economic news today? Have you heard about the unemployment...