Obama Doctrine: We’re Number Two… or Three…or Four… Jun 22, 2012RUSH: This is last night on Charlie Rose. He had an author on, a guy by the name of James Mann....
Media Can No Longer Hide the Economy Jun 22, 2012RUSH: They’re getting worried over at CNN. They can’t hide this anymore. They can’t pretend that...
Obama’s Desperate Fundraising Ploys Jun 22, 2012RUSH: Andrew in Lakeland, Florida, glad you called. Welcome to the program, sir.CALLER: Thank you,...
The Lowdown on All the New Apple Stuff Jun 22, 2012RUSH: I don’t know if you’ve heard this or not. The environmentalist whackos are very worried,...
Nancy Pelosi: Queen of Planet Stupider Jun 22, 2012RUSH: This is Trey Gowdy. Trey Gowdy is from South Carolina. He’s a Republican on Darrell Issa’s...
What We’re Up Against: The Obama Phone Jun 22, 2012RUSH: Peter in Rochester, New York. Great to have you on the program, how are you, sir?CALLER:...
The Two If By Tea Hall of Patriots Jun 22, 2012RUSH: We recently launched a new page on the Two If By Tea website called The Hall of Patriots....
Wide Receiver vs. Fast and Furious Jun 22, 2012RUSH: I’ll tell you something else, folks, if I were Hispanic, you know what would really trouble...
If the Obamacare Ruling Goes Our Way, It’s Worth Celebrating Jun 22, 2012RUSH: This is Paul in Glen Rock, Pennsylvania. How are you, sir? Welcome.CALLER: I’m wonderful,...
Obama is Losing Racial Politics Game Jun 22, 2012RUSH: Do you remember, ladies and gentlemen, last November I made a big deal of something? And I...
Gay Community Update: Activists Flip Off Reagan at Obama White House Party Jun 22, 2012RUSH: We have a gay community update coming up on the program. In fact, let’s do it. Let’s just do...