What is the White House Hiding? Jun 21, 2012RUSH: Dick Morris. This is about whether or not Issa should be doing what he’s doing. He was on...
Don’t Worry About the Independents! Jun 21, 2012RUSH: This is Kevin in Brick, New Jersey. Hi, Kevin. It’s great to have you on the program....
Barack Obama: A Unique Fraud Jun 21, 2012RUSH: Folks, I want to talk a little bit here about Obama for a second in a universal kind of way....
Regime Tipped “Under the Radar” Gun Control Strategy Before Immaculation Jun 21, 2012RUSH: You know Obama, Carney, all of these clowns, they run around, they talk about every legal...
From Kardashian Kid to Dittohead Jun 21, 2012RUSH: Marcus in Spartanburg, South Carolina, as we go to the phones. I really appreciate your...
Spokeskid Blames Bush for Fast and Furious Jun 21, 2012RUSH: Jay Carney, the spokeskid for President Obama at the White House, just got some questions on...
Democrats in Congress Won’t Abide NFL Bounties, but They’re Fine with an Attorney General Who Lies in Sworn Testimony Jun 21, 2012RUSH: I don’t know how many of you are following the bounty situation, the New Orleans Saints and...
Obama Desperately Needs Distractions Jun 21, 2012RUSH: I have to laugh, folks. I laugh at the conventional wisdom and I laugh at the smart people,...
Did Supremes Tip Obamacare Vote in Union Dues Case? Jun 21, 2012RUSH: The Supreme Court had a couple decisions today. One of them, big whoop, the FCC didn’t warn...
Pelosi: Holder Contempt Vote is Part of Republican Voter Suppression Scheme Jun 21, 2012RUSH: We now have the official… it took a while, about 24 hours, the official Democrat Party...