No Amnesty Bump for Obama in Polls Jun 20, 2012Investor’s Business Daily story here by Andrew Malcolm, formerly of the Los Angeles Times....
David Maraniss in Crisis Over Book Fallout Jun 20, 2012RUSH: Let’s see. David Maraniss. David Maraniss has this book on Obama, and he’s upset. Maraniss...
Times Lib Frets: Bam Not in Command Jun 20, 2012From the New York Times: “World Leaders Make Little Headway in Solving Debt Crisis —...
Flashback: Obama Called for Gonzales to Resign Jun 20, 2012RUSH: Now here comes the cover-up. I want to take you back to March 19th, 2007.You might remember...
The Crimes are Worse Than the Cover-up Jun 20, 2012RUSH: Let’s go to the phones before we resume on the sound bites.Crown Point, Indiana, is where...
The Purpose of Fast and Furious Jun 20, 2012RUSH: April 16, 2009. This from CNN’s website: “Reviving a ban on assault weapons and more...
Holder Retracts Lie that Bush’s Attorney General Knew About Gun Walking Jun 20, 2012RUSH: So we had Sheila Jackson Lee and Elijah Cummings, both members of Congress, both members of...
Fast and Furious Cover-up: Obama Asserts Executive Privilege to Protect Himself Jun 20, 2012RUSH: I guess you have to know when to fold ’em and when to Holder ’em. I think I’m gonna start...