Bob Lutz: Businessmen are for the GOP Jun 14, 2012RUSH: Now, here’s our buddy Bob Lutz. He was on with Larry Kudlow last night, the Kudlow Report on...
Cable Nets Dump Laughable “Major” Speech Jun 14, 2012RUSH: Look, our microphones are there. We’re not gonna blow through a commercial break, and I...
Romney Really Takes It to Obama Jun 14, 2012RUSH: So Romney went out and made a speech right before Obama’s. Obama’s giving his reset,...
Fossil Fuels and Dinosaur Farts Jun 14, 2012RUSH: This is Richard in Arlington, Texas. Richard, welcome to the EIB Network. Thanks for...
Axelrod in ’94 Undercuts His Strategy Today Jun 14, 2012RUSH: Here’s Axelrod. This was December 21st, 1994, in Chicago on a TV show called Chicago Tonight...
Obama Made His Choices — and in November We’ll Make Ours Jun 14, 2012RUSH: Okay, Obama’s big speech is this hour. He’s in Cleveland. This is the big reset speech. This...
Construction Worker: My Shovel was Ready, but the Jobs Never Came Jun 14, 2012RUSH: Cody in Seattle, Washington, as we head back to the phones. Welcome to the EIB Network....
Obama Admits He Can’t Fix What Bush “Broke,” So Why Reelect Him? Jun 14, 2012RUSH: Man, this guy, Bush, wow. What a tough son of a gun. Look at what this guy Bush has done....
It’s Jobless Number Revision Thursday! Jun 14, 2012RUSH: Jeff in Maplewood, New Jersey. It’s great to have you. You’re up first today. Hello,...
President Barack Oblame-o Jun 14, 2012RUSH: I think we have yet a new name for our president. He’s not just Barack Hussein Kardashian....