A Great New Book on My Grandfather: The Original Rush Limbaugh by Dennis Boman Jun 13, 2012RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, you’ve heard me speak of my grandfather, my father, and my family on...
Dems Resort to Crying Racism Jun 13, 2012RUSH: Here’s Bill, Houston, Texas. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Thank you, Rush....
Americans Miss the Bush Economy Jun 13, 2012RUSH: Tommy in Charlotte, North Carolina. Hi, Tommy. I’m glad you waited. Welcome to the...
The Regime’s “New” Tack: Blame Bush Jun 13, 2012RUSH: Let’s go to the audio sound bites.I want to illustrate what, apparently, has been voted on...
Carville: There’s No Recovery, Stupid Jun 13, 2012RUSH: James Carville. We reported it yesterday. Today he says it. He was on Good Morning America...
Black Businessman Has Soured on Obama Jun 13, 2012RUSH: Birmingham, Alabama. This is Orson. Orson, thank you for calling. I’m glad to have you with...
Every Week is a Bad Week with Barack Hussein Kardashian in the White House Jun 13, 2012RUSH: So the media is telling us it’s been a bad week for President Obama. I’d rather look at it...
Panic! Democrats Realize Obama Can Lose Jun 13, 2012RUSH: Make no mistake about it: Democrats are panicking. Karen Tumulty in the Washington Post is...
NYC Food Police Target Popcorn Jun 13, 2012RUSH: Once they start, they never stop, and they are never happy no matter what they get. I’m...