The Regime’s Leaks Aren’t Shocking Jun 12, 2012RUSH: This is Don in Charleston, West Virginia. You are next on the EIB Network. Hi.CALLER: Hello,...
The Democrats and No-Show Jobs Jun 12, 2012RUSH: Harry in Richmond, Virginia. Welcome to the program, sir. Great to have you here. Hi.CALLER:...
Apple, Inc. and the Lack of Creativity at the Highest Levels of Our Government Jun 12, 2012RUSH: A couple things here about Apple, Incorporated. One of them personal. Yesterday was a big...
Obama on Wisconsin: I Was Too Busy Jun 12, 2012RUSH: Obama said he was too busy to campaign in Wisconsin. He was just too busy. Last night in...
The North Dakota Petri Dish for Recovery Jun 12, 2012RUSH: We’re gonna start in Soldotna, Alaska. This is Terry. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hi.CALLER:...
“The Private Sector is Doing Fine” Illustrates How Obama Thinks Jun 12, 2012Well, let me tell you what’s happened now. Obama has tweeted the following: “If a teacher,...
Democrats Face Reality: Obama in Trouble Jun 12, 2012RUSH: James Carville and Stan Greenberg have a polling company. It’s called Democracy Now or some...
Desperate Obama Campaign Runs Radio Ad Targeting Black Voters Jun 12, 2012RUSH: Listen to this. Obama’s reelection campaign will release its first radio ad targeted...
The Value of Police, Firefighters, Teachers Jun 12, 2012RUSH: Greetings, my friends. I am Rush Limbaugh, just like the brand-new MacBook Pro, thinner and...