Fireworks Over Fast and Furious Jun 8, 2012RUSH: There were fireworks yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, in Washington. Darrell Issa’s...
Do We Really Have to Teach Capitalism? Jun 8, 2012RUSH: This is Tulsa and Kent. Thank you for calling, sir. Great to have you here. Hi.CALLER: Hi,...
They are Worried for The One Jun 8, 2012RUSH: Today, CBS This Morning, Charlie Rose, who doesn’t know any more now than he did back in...
The Lessons of the Walker Recall Jun 8, 2012RUSH: Daily Caller has an interesting story. “Mitt Romney would collect at least 72 of the...
It’s Obama Who’s Sabotaging the Economy Jun 8, 2012RUSH: Let’s start to the phones in Wellington, Florida. Jim, you’re first. It’s great to have you...
Obama Denies National Security Leaks, New York Times Denies Taking Dictation Jun 8, 2012RUSH: At Obama’s little press gaggle today at the White House, an unidentified reporter stood up,...
As Clinton Does Mea Culpa, More Democrats Dump on Obama Jun 8, 2012RUSH: Clinton went off — a mea culpa, Clinton went on Wolf Blitzed yesterday and basically...
Obama: “The Private Sector is Doing Fine” Jun 8, 2012RUSH: Now, folks, maybe I’m getting a little old. I am. We’re all getting older. And maybe my mind...
“Barack Hussein Kardashian” Spreads Like a Rock ‘n’ Roll Virus Jun 8, 2012RUSH: You know this Barack Hussein Kardashian, it’s spread like a rock ‘n’ roll virus out...