Democrats and the Mafia Jun 7, 2012RUSH: Doug in Great Falls, Montana, I’m glad you waited. You’re up next here on the EIB Network....
The Regime’s Lies on “Green Jobs” Jun 7, 2012RUSH: Okay, folks, listen up. This next bite is astounding. Since the beginning of the regime we...
Chris Rock: Obama is a “Zebra” Jun 7, 2012RUSH: Here’s Chris Rock. He’s on the Today Show this morning. The co-host is Ann Curry. He’s got a...
Biden’s Promises to the Graduates Jun 7, 2012RUSH: Now it gets better. Yesterday on this program, I told you about Joe Biden at a commencement...
TIBT Sweepstakes: A Golfer’s Dream Jun 7, 2012RUSH: We got another sweepstakes going here, folks. You know, Father’s Day is right around the...
Police Unions and Leftist Ideology Jun 7, 2012RUSH: Laredo, Texas. This is Marco. Thank you for calling. I appreciate your patience, and welcome...
Secret Senate Meetings on Bush Tax Cuts Jun 7, 2012RUSH: There’s a secret meeting going on — a series of meetings, a series of secret meetings...
Spokeskid on “Barack Hussein Kardashian” Jun 7, 2012RUSH: Barack Hussein Kardashian. Oh, by the way, they are really irritated by that. They are...
Romney: Obama Purposely Slowed Economy to Focus on Obamacare Jun 7, 2012RUSH: Romney, by the way, is out with a charge. When I first saw this, I thought, “What’s...
Documents Show Barack Obama was Member of a Socialist Third Party in ’90s Jun 7, 2012RUSH: Hey, hey, folks, quick question here. Would it matter to you if you found out that Mitt...
Media Atwitter Over Obama Joke Jun 7, 2012RUSH: You know what the press is all atwitter about right now? I’m gonna get to it here in just a...