Dems Know What’s at Stake in Wisconsin Jun 5, 2012RUSH: I got Tom Barrett, the Democrat candidate for governor of Wisconsin. He was on CNN’s...
See? Too Much Exercise Can Kill You Jun 5, 2012RUSH: Well, I have say, folks, I was right again. Yet another story about how too much exercise is...
Sex and the City: A Betrayal of Feminism Jun 5, 2012RUSH: Here’s Megan. She’s the Sex and the City fan in New York City. Hi, Megan. I’m glad you...
What the Partisan Divide Really Means Jun 5, 2012RUSH: Pew Research Center: “Partisan differences now divide Americans more sharply than...
Scott Walker Deserves to Win Jun 5, 2012RUSH: We got a lot of Wisconsin callers. Madison first. This is Sarah. Thanks for the call. Great...
Bill Clinton Under Fire from Left Jun 5, 2012RUSH: I said that Bill Clinton’s come out against Obama. Not technically. I was speaking rapidly...
Anna Wintour and Sarah Jessica Parker Cut Ads for the Celebrity-in-Chief Jun 5, 2012RUSH: I want to play a couple of sound bites for you here. I had this yesterday, too. Did not get...
The Great Destroyer by David Limbaugh Jun 5, 2012RUSH: I watched something fascinating last night. You know, my brother has got a book out. The...
The Incompetent Obama Campaign Flounders Jun 5, 2012RUSH: So I’m doing show prep last night, and I’m seeing a bunch of stuff that we mentioned...