Salt Doesn’t Kill You, After All Jun 4, 2012RUSH: How many of you believe that eating too much salt is a no-no? Eating too much salt is a...
Romney Camp Fighting Hard, But… Jun 4, 2012RUSH: Here’s Susan in Atlanta. Great to have you. Glad you waited. You’re on the Rush Limbaugh...
Union Guy Distorts “I Hope He Fails” Jun 4, 2012RUSH: Ed in Muskegon, Michigan. Thanks for your patience and hello.CALLER: Hello, Rush. Hey…...
The Decline of American Competitiveness Jun 4, 2012RUSH: Now, I may or may not get in trouble. A little story here from Columbus, Ohio....
Democrat Desperation Time in Wisconsin Jun 4, 2012RUSH: The Wisconsin recall election tomorrow. The incumbent Scott Walker is opposing the Milwaukee...
See, I Told You So: Sympathy for Obama Jun 4, 2012RUSH: Also on this program last Friday, I made an observation that ended up being echoed in the...
Sir Elton John to Play for the Queen on Our Anniversary Jun 4, 2012RUSH: I have to say this, I just saw something on TV that reminded me. Tomorrow, in Great Britain,...
Bill Clinton Taken to the Woodshed Jun 4, 2012RUSH: So it looks like Bill Clinton, ladies and gentlemen, was taken to the woodshed. Bill Clinton...