A Rush Babe on Sanctity of Life Jun 1, 2012RUSH: Brandy in Lewisville, Texas. Not Louisville. It’s Lewisville, Texas. Hello.CALLER: That’s...
Obama’s Actions Aren’t Accidental Jun 1, 2012RUSH: Here’s Joe in Glendora, California. Welcome to Open Line Friday. Great to have you here with...
Social Justice: Zimmerman Bail Revoked Jun 1, 2012RUSH: We have a little breaking news here: George Zimmerman’s bond has been revoked in the Trayvon...
Tea Partier Thanked by Military Man Jun 1, 2012RUSH: We have Karen in Albuquerque. Great to have you with us. Hello.CALLER: Hi, Rush. I had an...
Even Liberals Love Two If By Tea Jun 1, 2012RUSH: Here’s Kathy in Montrose, Colorado, as we start on the phones, Open Line Friday. I’m glad...
A Former Soviet Citizen on Leftist Propaganda Jun 1, 2012RUSH: This is kind of funny, I’m told. CNBC Power Lunch this afternoon, Tyler Mathisen breaks away...
Bill Clinton Basically Endorses Mitt Romney Jun 1, 2012RUSH: First it was Cory Booker, who said that Obama’s attacks on Romney and Bain Capital he didn’t...
Desperate Dems Still Blaming Bush Jun 1, 2012RUSH: Folks, the Democrats are losing it. They’re starting to lose it. There’s a story here from...
See, I Told You So: Obama Consumed with Preparing for the Obamacare Decision Jun 1, 2012RUSH: I want to take you back. May 25th, I said the following right here.RUSH ARCHIVE: Obamacare,...
Charlie Rose and John Heilemann Wonder Why Republicans Want to Beat Obama, Conclude That It Must be Racism Jun 1, 2012RUSH: Here is Charlie Rose last night on his PBS show. His guest is New York Magazine National...
A Fabulous Film: For Greater Glory Jun 1, 2012RUSH: I have to tell you about a movie that opens today. I saw some of it last night. I got...
Media Shock Over Jobless Numbers Jun 1, 2012RUSH: Let’s go to the audio sound bites. They are in panic mode at MSNBC. They are in panic mode...
The Economy is a Train Wreck for Obama, But It’s a Tragedy for the Country Jun 1, 2012RUSH: Okay, let’s see. Bill Clinton said that Mitt Romney is a great businessman. So we have to...