Why the Left Denigrates the Military May 29, 2012RUSH: Here’s Ralph in the Jersey Shore. Ralph, thank you for waiting. It’s great to have you here....
Photos from TIBT Contest Winners May 29, 2012RUSH: I want to share with you an e-mail that we got at TwoIfByTea. This has been such a rewarding...
While We Thrive, Liberal Media Fails May 29, 2012RUSH: Folks, I need to talk about something here. I’m always uncomfortable talking about this, and...
Dems Organize Hecklers to Tell Romney to Get Out of West Philadelphia Neighborhood May 29, 2012RUSH: How many of you have often thought, often believed that if the Republicans would make some...
Blabbermouth Schultz: Wisconsin is Dry Run May 29, 2012RUSH: Scott Walker, the Wisconsin recall vote. It will be this time next week, June 5, this time...
Obama to Wage Campaign Based on Fear May 29, 2012RUSH: New York Magazine, John Heilemann. This is the coauthor of the book Game Change, that made...
Americans Want Wealth Creation Over Job Creation May 29, 2012RUSH: We start in Bismarck, North Dakota, and, Mark, you’re up first. Thank you for calling,...
WaPo Columnist Tries to Intimidate “the Limbaughs” May 29, 2012RUSH: Colbert King is a columnist at the Washington Post. And he was on the syndicated Inside...
The Wonder of the Golden Gate Bridge May 29, 2012RUSH: Over the weekend was the 75th anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge. Now, I don’t know why,...
How Many Jobs Has the EIB Network Created? May 29, 2012RUSH: Let me use me. 1988. We decided to do the EIB Network. We did not do a whole bunch of...
Predictable Sunday Show Lies from Libs May 29, 2012RUSH: Bob Schieffer at CBS, it’s not going well out there for the Drive-Bys, the State-Controlled...