This Memorial Day, Remember Those Who Died Defending Capitalism May 25, 2012RUSH: Folks, like we said last year, for most people, Memorial Day is just another day off. But...
Mandatory Arabic in NYC School? May 25, 2012RUSH: Here’s Alan in Bayside, Queens, great to have you on the EIB Network, Alan. Hello. CALLER:...
Rush Bust Gets Its Own Dittocam May 25, 2012RUSH: My bust is on display right outside the House doors, the doors to the House of...
Mitt is Kicking Butt Out There May 25, 2012RUSH: Mitt Romney yesterday on his website and his YouTube channel (he has a YouTube channel)...
Our Entrepreneurial Spirit Endures May 25, 2012RUSH: We’re gonna start in Oswego, New York, with Curt. Hello, sir.CALLER: Yes. Good afternoon,...
Are Democrats Finally Seeing What We Knew About Obama Four Years Ago? May 25, 2012RUSH: Last night, PBS, Charlie Rose had as his guest a guy named Donald Gogel, president, chief...
The Post-Obama American Economic Boom May 25, 2012RUSH: Whether it’s during the next 10 years or 20 years, we, the United States, are going to be...
Obamacare Decision Paralyzes Dems May 25, 2012RUSH: I have a lot of people sending me e-mail, “What do you mean, Rush? I thought you made...
Left in Panic Over Bain Attack Backfire May 25, 2012RUSH: I’ll tell you what, folks, I really, really hope the Republicans, the Republicans in...