Obama Plays Name Card on The View May 16, 2012RUSH: How about Obama? He appeared on The View yesterday, Barbara Walters’ show with Joy Behar,...
More Obama Porkulus Fraud Revealed May 16, 2012RUSH: From the San Francisco NBC affiliate: “Stimulus dollars were used to fund studies into...
A Limbaugh Institute History Lesson on the Media and Corruption in Washington May 16, 2012RUSH: Back to the phones we go. Santa Fe, New Mexico. This is Mike. Great to have you. Thank you...
Three Devastating Charts Dispute Biden’s Claim that Economy is Coming Back May 16, 2012RUSH: Donna in Frederick, Maryland, thank you for calling. Great to have you here on the EIB...
Nothing’s in the Bag… But Dems are in Trouble May 16, 2012RUSH: The latest Rasmussen poll, Romney 51, Obama 43, North Carolina. That’s where the Democrat...
A Conservative Rush 24/7 Member Who’s Just a Little Bit Upset with Your Host May 16, 2012RUSH: Angela in Montclair, Virginia. One more before we go to our brief time-out. Hi,...
TIBT’s Grill N’ Chill Sweepstakes May 16, 2012RUSH: All right, listen carefully, folks, because today is the last day to be automatically...
Bill Clinton Undercuts Obama, Calls for Middle Class Tax Increase May 16, 2012RUSH: And our old buddy Bill Clinton, who, by the way, Bill Clinton’s back, and Bill Clinton’s...
If You Like Your Plan You Can Keep It? Not at Franciscan University of Steubenville May 16, 2012RUSH: There are a couple stories in the Stack here, and this is such a trick. There’s a story...
Another Conservative Victory Bubbles Up from the Grassroots in Nebraska May 16, 2012RUSH: There was an election in Nebraska, and another establishment Republican went down the tubes....
Why the Left Dropped the Trayvon Story May 16, 2012RUSH: Developments in the Trayvon Martin case, and you’d be hard-pressed to find these...