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Rasmussen: Romney Leads 50-43

RUSH: “The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows Mitt Romney earning 50% of the vote and President Obama attracting 43% support. Four percent (4%) would vote for a third party candidate, while another three percent (3%) are undecided. This is the first time Romney has reached the 50% level of support and is his largest lead ever over the president. It comes a week after a disappointing jobs report that raised new questions about the state of the economy.”

More Bad Jobs News

RUSH: There was a jobs report yesterday. Have you heard anything about it? Something like applications for new unemployment benefits were down a thousand. I mean that’s a wild guess, rounding error. There’s no news to report, upside, positive news on the jobs front. Something like 239,000 people lose their unemployment benefits today. This is the day their 99 weeks expire. So they’ll go on Social Security disability and food stamps, and they’ll keep the gravy train rolling.

National Eat What You Want Day

RUSH: From CNN, here’s this headline: “National Eat What You Want Day.” It’s today. May 11th is National Eat What You Want Day. Michelle Obama is giving us one day to eat what we want. Ashley Strickland reporting for CNN. You can have whatever you like, May 11th, National Eat What You Want Day. Hey, what a concept. Here we are the United States of America, where all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights — life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. By the way, May 11th, Eat What You Want Day. The other 364 days, screw you, you’re gonna eat what we tell you to eat.

“Maybe you’ve been on a restrictive diet and you’re ready for that one, luscious treat you can’t stop craving. Or, maybe you just can’t make up your mind because of the overwhelming tasty choices. No matter your food dilemma, today is for you to celebrate your favorite flavors. If you’re incredibly indecisive, visiting a buffet, or setting up one in your own home, is a fun way to explore the boundaries of your taste buds.”

Really? So CNN is telling us the benefits of a buffet, as though nobody’s ever seen one before. Maybe we’ve seen one, but we don’t know what to do when we see one. Oh, yeah. A buffet is a fun way to explore the boundaries of your taste buds. Have you ever been to a buffet with your family and said, “Hey, okay, time to go up there and explore the boundaries of our taste buds.” You talk that way to anybody? It’s just like these golf announcers: “Tiger authored a par on number 17.” Well, I play golf. Nobody, after shooting par, ever said that they authored it. They shot it. They made par. Now we are exploring the boundaries of our taste buds. “After all, pretty much any buffet is all-you-can-eat, which goes pretty well with today’s theme.” But tomorrow, back to the garden.

Facebook Co-Founder Gives Up Citizenship to Avoid Taxes

RUSH: Eduardo Saverin, cofounder Facebook… Did you see the movie The Social Network? Zuckerberg’s buddy from Harvard. They basically, in a series of maneuvers, bought him out. They sent him packing. He was focused on advertising early on when they didn’t care about that. So he’s still got a little percentage of Facebook, enough that he’s a billionaire. He lives in Singapore. Now Eduardo Saverin, on the eve of the Facebook IPO, says that he is going to give up his US citizenship. He’s 30.

Eduardo Saverin “joins a growing number of people giving up US citizenship, a move that can trim their tax liabilities in that country.” He is like a lot of people, frightened and worried about the Taxmageddon that’s on the horizon the beginning of next year. On January 1st, the Bush tax cuts expire and a number of other stuff happens. Health care implements and taxes go up. Charitable deductions practically go away. So Eduardo Saverin says: I’m outta here.

He hasn’t lived in the US for a while.

National Journal Suggests “Decisive” Obama Defeat

RUSH: National Journal had a story earlier this week: “Ebbing enthusiasm among the president’s base points to the possibility of a decisive defeat.” More details on this next week when we get back. But the latest Rasmussen: It’s Romney 50, Obama 43, my friends.

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