Biden Comes Out for Gay Marriage May 7, 2012RUSH: This is Joe Biden, and this was yesterday on Meet the Depressed on NBC. David Gregory...
Lesley Stahl Insulted to No Longer Have a Monopoly on the News May 7, 2012RUSH: This is gonna be close to my all-time favorite or this is close to my all-time favorite. I...
Brokaw Lectures Brethren on the Correspondents Dinner May 7, 2012RUSH: I mentioned at the top of the program that Tom Brokaw is upset. He thinks that the entire...
A Suggestion on Work Force Participation May 7, 2012RUSH: Ron in Enon Valley, Pennsylvania, hi and welcome to the EIB Network.CALLER: Hi, Rush. Well,...
Ohio State Student Answers The One May 7, 2012RUSH: I’m gonna start with Rob in Columbus. It’s great to have you on the program, sir....
Mockery Made of 9/11 Tribunal May 7, 2012RUSH: So a mockery was made of the first day of the military tribunal involving Khalid Sheikh...
Obama Launches Campaign to Empty Seats; Unveils Ad That Should be Called “Just Go” May 7, 2012RUSH: “Barack Obama launched his campaign in unspectacular fashion today at Ohio State...
See, I Told You So: Football in Trouble May 7, 2012RUSH: Grab audio sound bite number 24. Snerdley, listen to this. This is ABC’s This Week. It’s the...
Poll Numbers, Voter Registration Stats Look Bad for Obama and Democrats May 7, 2012RUSH: There are two stories today that are aimed at helping Obama. One of them’s in the Washington...
Takers Overwhelm Producers in France May 7, 2012RUSH: So a lot of people are asking me, “What does this mean, the election of the avowed...