Open Line Friday Calls: Labor Stats and ChiCom Debt May 4, 2012RUSH: Neil in Charlotte, North Carolina. I’m glad you waited. Great to have you on the program....
Football’s End is Closer Than You Think May 4, 2012RUSH: I don’t know when it was that I first predicted to you that somebody was gonna come along...
The Tea Party is Alive and Well May 4, 2012RUSH: The media has been lulled into a sense of false security. They think the Tea Party has gone...
Life in Obamaville: “My Employer is Going Out of Business” May 4, 2012RUSH: Michelle in Union City, Tennessee. Thanks for calling. You’re on Open Line Friday....
Where are the Bushes? May 4, 2012RUSH: It’s Sam in Rochester, New York. Hi, Sam. Great to have you with us. Hello, sir.CALLER:...
Warren’s Campaign Goes Up in Smoke May 4, 2012RUSH: We have some Elizabeth Warren news, and we are going to go back to the Grooveyard of...
This is What Our President Wants May 4, 2012RUSH: Snerdley just asked me an interesting question, and I want to pose the question to you in my...
Obama’s Orwellian Unemployment Numbers May 4, 2012RUSH: Well, here we are again, ladies and gentlemen: The unemployment rate has gone down. And I...