“Gutsy Call” Celebration Week Continues May 2, 2012RUSH: It’s “Gutsy Call” Day. Isn’t that what they’re calling this? Gutsy Call Day! It...
Allen West and the GOP Establishment May 2, 2012RUSH: Carl in Fort Lauderdale. Carl, I’m glad you held on. Welcome to the program, sir.CALLER:...
Life in Obamaville: “I Was Laid Off Yesterday” May 2, 2012RUSH: Judy in San Antonio. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Hey, there. Mega...
How to Defend Supply-Side Economics to a Brain-Dead Professor May 2, 2012RUSH: Here’s Pietro in Deer Park, New York. Great to have you on the program. Glad you waited....
Obama Admits Fabricating Girlfriend Character in His Autobiography May 2, 2012RUSH: All right. For you Oprah fans, we have Oprah-style news here. Dylan Byers, writing in a blog...
You Can’t Blame the GOP House for the Democrats’ Massive Spending Since 2007 May 2, 2012RUSH: Renee in Nicholasville, Kentucky. So glad that you called, Renee. What is your...
The Preezy of the United Steezy Wants to Distract You from His Dismal Economy May 2, 2012JOHNNY DONOVAN: Now, behind the scenes on the campaign trail with President Obama at a campaign...