Dick Morris: Obama Will Lose Big May 1, 2012RUSH: I’m told that Ronaldus Magnus in 1984 did not do a single fundraiser. Sounds hard to...
Rodriguez: Pelosi is Confused or Lying; Enhanced Interrogations Led to Bin Laden May 1, 2012RUSH: April 23rd, 2009, Washington, Capitol Hill, press conference, Pelosi. A reporter says,...
CNN in Crisis Over Occupy Fizzle May 1, 2012RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, the last time I played a sound bite featuring all-female anchors at...
Nerd Prom No Longer a Night Off May 1, 2012RUSH: Lynn in Meredith, New Hampshire, as we quickly and unexpectedly go back to the phones....
“The Best Tea I’ve Ever Tasted” May 1, 2012RUSH: This is Edward in… Is it Novi, Michigan? Is that how you pronounce it?CALLER:...
Clinton Couldn’t Pull Trigger on Osama May 1, 2012RUSH: This is Walter in Modesto, California. Hey, Walter, I’m glad you called. Hi.CALLER: Yes, I...
Please Take Us Back to the Mess Obama Inherited May 1, 2012RUSH: Huntington in Long Island. It’s Felicia. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hi.CALLER:...
A Nursing Home Worker on the “Orwellian” Ensure Torture May 1, 2012RUSH: Sarah in Tacoma, Washington, I want to get you first here. I’m glad you called, thank you...
The People Who Make the Country Work Know That Something Isn’t Right May 1, 2012RUSH: Bloomberg story. Here’s the headline: “‘Obama Fails to Stem Middle-Class Slide...
Campaign Advice for Mitt Romney May 1, 2012RUSH: You know what Ray Kroc said, the great capitalist and founder of McDonald’s? He said when...
Obama: Low Character in High Office May 1, 2012RUSH: I’m gonna tell you something. This Obama character is showing everybody what low character...